‘A brief history of the future’, Conrado Castillo and Nacho Villoch

The future has already happened.Innovation, and the ability to generate changes and adapt to its effects is in the DNA of the human being.Through the pages of a brief history of the future you can travel in time to verify how human beings have already lived deep disruptions in our way of living, learning, working, enjoying our leisure, feeding or loving.Understand how people react to the previous industrial revolutions - the arrival of the car, the first vaccines or new industries that swept the previous ones - can help us a lot to understand howIt causes uncertainty.

Because, as Nachochoch and Conrado Castillo remind us: "When winds blow, while some build walls, others make mills".


‘Una breve historia del futuro’, Conrado Castillo y Nacho Villoch

Conrado Castillo

He is a founder and CEO of Rooter.It has extensive experience as an innovation and digital transformation consultant for more than 150 companies worldwide.Collaborates as a project catalyst for the European Union on artificial intelligence, the Internet of things and other exponential technologies.Participate in the development of training programs for universities, companies and organizations such as Google.He has also published different business management manuals.

Nacho Villoch

It is a reference in innovation applied to business, talent and sustainability.Invited professor in programs of the main business, mentor and dynamic schools of institutional and corporate events.With more than 30 years of experience advising companies and as a mentor of entrepreneurs, in 2021 it has been nominated by Forbes among the 40 best futurists in Spain.He is the author of business novels such as Yago's challenge and Diana's adventure, the latter recommended as one of the best books to help change career.