Artificial Intelligence: They release calls for Hackathon with third -to -fifth high school students

La Inteligencia Artificial es la ciencia e ingeniería para construir especialmente máquinas y programas inteligentes, que simulan a la inteligencia humana tanto en su forma de pensar y actuar.This area is the basis for the development of industry 4.0 and the creation of cutting -edge technologies that collaborate with the end.

In that sense, the ESAN University will carry out the “artificial intelligence hackathon” on October 30, aimed at students from the third to the fifth secondary school from Public and Private Schools of Peru that enjoy working as a team and are passionate about new technologies.

La “Hackathon de Inteligencia Artificial” busca impulsar la inserción de la Inteligencia Artificial en la Education básica y, en el futuro, canalizar su integración en el plan Educativo nacional.Therefore, the event seeks to train students in this type of technology for the development of intelligent applications that seek to solve the following challenges.


How could we help doctors in the use of intelligent applications that help maintain biosafety protocols to maintain public health?


Inteligencia Artificial: lanzan convocatoria para hackathon con estudiantes de tercero a quinto de secundaria

How could we improve the remote Educational experience through the development of applications based on artificial intelligence?


How could we create video games that use artificial intelligence in their interaction?

It should be noted that intelligent applications will not be limited only to software, but also the use of hardware such as Arduino and/or related sensors in the development of the project is also possible.

To read the bases and participate in the “artificial intelligence hackathon” the teams must enter and register on the event website: https: // hackathonia.Esan.Edu.PE/ and meet the following requirements:

Los equipos deberán estar conformados por cuatro personas pertenecientes al mismo centro Educativo y uno de ellos tiene que ser el tutor. Pudiéndose distribuir así: un tutor, que deberá ser un profesor o representante del centro Educativo, equipos de 3 alumnos de quinto, equipos de 3 alumnos de cuarto, equipos de 3 alumnos de tercero a quinto.

Each team will designate a representative, this being responsible for all communications between their team and the organizers.Likewise, the data of all the members of each team and the authorizations of the proxies for the minor participants will be recorded, according to the formats established on the website of the event.

It is recommended that the team be multidisciplinary and that among the members there is a balance of skills such as programming, graphic design and/or business.

Finally, it will be evaluated that: Each proposal has a prototype, a PPT presentation and a video.The maximum time of the same is 3 minutes, in which they will present their presentation and the developed application will be demonstrated.

According to the criteria of

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