Artificial intelligence triumphs with neural machine translation: UOC

Artificial intelligence and automatic translation tools are becoming translators' best allies, as revealed by the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC).

"Today, assisted translation programs are essential tools for translators, as they save time, reduce costs and increase the added value of the linguist's work" according to the words of the University Master's Degree in Translation and the UOC.

Automatic translation or machine translation is the process by which computer software automatically translates a text from one language to another, becoming one of the great challenges of artificial intelligence due to the complexity and fluency of language human.

The process consists of analyzing and interpreting all the elements of the text, knowing how some words influence others and understanding the overall meaning of the discourse, so it is extremely important to have extensive knowledge of grammar, semantics and syntax of the languages ​​covered.

Artificial intelligence triumphs with neural machine translation : UOC

The advantages that machine translation has over assisted translation is the understanding of the context of the document, adaptation to the semantics of each field, as well as autonomous linguistic decision-making.

With this, translators streamline translation processes and offer more reliable results in less time, in addition to the use of neural machine translation tools offering multiple benefits to professional translators, including:

Photo: Inndot


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