Attention Alberto F: Narco scandal puts Manzur at risk

And if there are cocaine kitchens in jail under jurisdiction of governor Juan Manzur, is that there is distribution and sale outside the prison.

And there is a direct line between this penalty and the waterfront, the most dramatic emergency neighborhood of San Miguel de Tucumán, on a margin of the Salí River.But this topic will have to be deepened in another note.

The marketing of drugs in the Tucumano prison arrived in the media in 2016, when prosecutor Pablo Camuña, based on complaints and actions instructed by him, claimed measures at certain times and places to avoid drug volume to the prison to the prison: strangers threw drug packages in which they were collected by the people waiting for the load.

In July 2017, a guardiacárcel was kidnapped 700 grams of marijuana who tried to enter the prison.

In September 2017, the inmate Francisco Medina denounced in justice that he had been threatened to death by penitentiary service personnel because he did not want to sell the drug they gave him.The inmate was transferred to Section 7th., together with another inmate who had confirmed his sayings.

On 11/19/2017, without authorization, the complainants were returned to the prison and 3 days later Medina was killed, in Alejandro "Pichi" Mendoza.

Prosecutor Adriana Giannoni charged Guillermo Sneider, then director of the Criminal Institute, and officials José Cisterna, Walter Patto and Claudio González.

But who appeared in all the radars was Roberto Guyot, Judge of Execution and Judgment, who would not have taken the necessary measures to protect Medina.

Months later, inmates Gonzalo Giri and Atanacio Ledesma denounced torture because they had refused to market the substances that would have delivered the guardiacáles.

Prosecutor Camuña confirmed the version with medical studies and federal judge Daniel Bejas ordered them to be protected, but everything worsen."From that day a hell live.All the time they are punishing and ‘greenishing’ for what they said.Now that all this was discovered, the authorities know that they did not lie.I hope they do something, ”Ledesma's mother revealed.

Later, an employee of the bakery workshop was surprised when he had hidden wrappings, with 2.000 pills to sell them between inmates at $ 200 per 2 units.

Mediocre to explain the inexplicable, the general director of the Criminal Institute, Félix Concha, considered that the situation was under control.

Carlos Driollet, secretary of the fight against drug trafficking in the province, also did not exhibit creativity: the most important thing was that the employee had been discovered by his own colleagues.

Then, an employee of the Villa Urquiza prison was discovered when he tried to enter prison 2.000 pills to supposedly market them among inmates.

Roberto Guyot

But it is meaningless to stop in the 'parsley'.The aforementioned Judge Guyot is a co -star of the scandal.

The complaint that a judge, Roberto Guyot, organizes drug trafficking gangs with prisoners from the province, and Carlos Pagni took the issue to his Odisea Argentina program, was strong after Francisco Olivera mentioned it, by +La Nación, as well asMarcelo Bonelli had spread it on Radio Miter.

Edmundo Jesús Jiménez, attorney, that is, the head of the Public Prosecutor's Office of the Province of Tucumán, is the one who incorporated Guyot, then in the penitentiary service.

Overcoming all complaints, Guyot has managed to remain and ascend, apparently for Jiménez's protection.

Ledesma, sponsored by lawyer Gustavo Morales, and others from his prison companions, agreed to involve the execution judge, Roberto Guyot.They pointed it out as one of those responsible for aggressions and threats.The magistrate, however, denied the incriminations.

Morales has just contributed documentation before federal judge María Servini and federal prosecutor Guillermo Marijuan, based on the fact that the 'cooked' drug in the Tucumán prison ends its journey in the federal prisons of the Metropolitan Area of Buenos Aires.

Atención Alberto F: Escándalo narco pone en riesgo a Manzur

Before the prosecutor Camuña, Ledesma said that Judge Guyot had threatened him telling him that if he continued to denounce him, he would appear "suicide".

The judge told the newspaper La Gaceta, from San Miguel de Tucumán, who had effectively maintained an interview with Ledesma, but clarified that he had attended witnesses and filmed the meeting to avoid false accusations against him.

And that had been presented spontaneously before the Supreme Court of Provincial Justice and Federal Justice to leave a copy of the filming performed.

Ledesma insisted that he was never asked if he authorized to be recorded without his present lawyer, that there were never filming equipment present, so the recording was with a cell phone.

"That is smooth and plain crime.To the unfair attitude of not allowing his lawyer to intend to be in that act, it should be added that he clandestinely filmed a kind of declaration.That is totally illegal and punished by law, ”said Gustavo Morales, Ledesma's lawyer.

Guyot is still acting.

Carina Assad

However, the plot is more complex, and another name appears: Civil Engineer Carina Assad, who was her secretary of Penitentiary Affairs, incorporated at the time by Regino Amado, Minister of Government and Justice, Manzur's right hand.

In that 2016 she was Deputy Director of Training of Seasonal Bring the Directorate of Special Work Plans and Programs.So, she started ascent.


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They say that Amado and Assad were known from the Monteros town, about 40 km.of the provincial capital.

In Villa Urquiza rumors are mixed with the myths about Assad.True or false that she had a wide suite office to use when she visited the prison?

The truth is that she, cornered by the denunciation of her against alleged drug trafficking, presented her resignation in June 2019.

Undoubtedly, a sensitive decline for Claudio Maley, the Minister of Security, Mayor Commander of the National Gendarmerie already retired, then his protector, according to comments.

On that occasion something inexplicable happened: the resignation was accepted by Governor Manzur, who in the respective text incorporated a article 2, of explicit thanks to Assad "for his services provided to the province".

> ¿Impunidad?

> ¿Un mensaje de Manzur a quienes investigaban a Assad, que se las tendrían que ver con él?

In any case, unusual: she leaves under an avalanche of complaints, and the governor thanks her of the services provided.

The most serious was the complaint made by the Judge of Execution and Judgment, Alicia Merched, for the entry of drugs into the Concepción prison.

Merched identified several irregularities.For example, he had denounced before federal prosecutor I, Carlos Brito, that personnel from Criminal Institutes would have entered about 5.000 pills, and that an informant of the prison(then transferred for having provided the data) told him that a couple of inmates were counting the doses in a workshop that should be closed.

The prisoners were forced to perform that task by a guardiacárcel of surname Zelaya.On weekends the shed remained closed but had been opened by order of the Undersecretary of Penitentiary Services, Carina Assad.

The official acknowledged that she had given that order, but said that only to make a door that was needed for an office that would not open until the following Monday.

The official also estimated that drugs could have entered the prison, thrown from the outside inside the jail.

Merched asked the authorities to send him a report with the names of all the personnel on duty the day the pills were found, but they never answered it.

Then, she insisted with a new trade, but neither did she achieve with her mission.

"Then, she decided to make the complaint in Federal Justice," said a relative to the magistrate.

And he stressed that Assad prohibited the entrance to the prison of an addiction specialist to try to rehabilitate prisoners.

To the members of the Supreme Court of Provincial Justice, Merched would have told them that Maley was aware of everything that happened.

So how has Assad continued to perceive until the present remuneration of the Ministry in charge of Merched?

In ordinary justice, prosecutor Mariana Rivadeneira has the files where the official would appear as one of those responsible for the constraints suffered by the inmates in the Villa Urquiza prison.

Several prisoners pointed out as responsible for the blows they suffered for having refused to sell substances in the units.

The official also maintained a question through writings with Federal Prosecutor II, Pablo Camuña, and Federal Judge II, Daniel Bejas, for not having granted the protection measures to Gonzalo Giri and ATanacio Ledesma, the inmates who denounced to have been tortured for havingdenied to sell drugs given to them the guardiacárceles.

Moreover, they say in San Miguel that days ago she accompanied Minister Maley to an interview in the "The first" program of the Tucuman TV.

In truth, the expertise and raids showed that both in the bakery and in the carpentry of the prison they were narcotics.

In the bakery, cocaine, mixed between stored flour, but also base paste.In that circumstance the existence of a 'kitchen' within the prison was confirmed.

While a testimony mentioned that domestic trade was bulky($ 400.000 for family visit, and there are 4 visits weeks), there was a trade outside the prison walls.

According to the newspaper La Gaceta, Assad sent a message to Merche: “The truth, Alicia, I did not think that your hatred would reach so much.I already presented my resignation.God bless you and fill your life and that of your family of peace and health ".

In the ordinary justice, the Treasury Mariana Rivadeneira has the files where the official would appear as one of those responsible for the constraints suffered by the inmates in the Villa Urquiza prison.

And there are judicial listening in the power of the Prosecutor's Office.But Governor Manzur remains impassive.

The story

The president of the Constitutional Affairs Commission of the Tucumana Legislature, Marco Caponio, said: “Narcomenudeo is destroying society, it is a struggle that must be given.There is a power that is mute, because the judiciary said nothing, he did not issue a sentence in five years on the norm that was in force.Given this inactivity, the political decision to fight this scourge was made.Those who sell drugs have to be in jail ".

He explained that, according to data from the Public Prosecutor's Office, they add 15.000 the pending causes of judgment in the criminal jurisdiction."The problem is that criminal judges do not issue a sentence.The problem is in justice.Deep reform is necessary.Today the person who sells drugs has no sanction in Tucumán.The main change must be in the Judiciary, where there must be committed judges who issue a sentence, ”he insisted on TV.

But skepticism abounds beyond instrumental makeup searched by Manzur.

It was explained by Roberto Delgado, in La Gaceta, explaining 5 reasons, of which 2 are reproduced here:

"It is very unlikely that this rule is effective, for five reasons:

1.Populist response

The proliferation of the "quiosquitos" of drug sales in vulnerable neighborhoods- there are more than 220 poor neighborhoods- has resulted in the increase, never measured, addicts and the formation of sale structures.These are based on "soldiers" that, at the service of transas, deal with drug and money transfer.These groups - also called “clans” and that the Federal Police and justice have identified(last year they said that there were about 22) are violent family structures that have found a more profitable way of life than robberies andassaults.The notorious changes detected by the police and justice(never well measured) in the sale of drugs have resulted in neighborhood claims to do something against that activity that, according to this logic, is the true responsible for violence.Which should be tested.To this have contributed the appreciations of some prosecutors who in recent years indicated that a high percentage of detainees were drug users.And in recent times, the Public Prosecutor's Office warned that in different raids for various crimes was almost always drugs.This came to the presumption that the drug is the root of all evils.Hence the phrase of legislator Javier Pucharras(PJ) that "those who traffic death will have to worry" and the assertion of the vice governor, Osvaldo Jaldo, that now they will "kick doors" of the drug traffickers.

2."Controversial cases"

The fiscal minister raised his doubts a few days ago: "It is difficult to divide a crime," he said.That is, determine when it comes to traffic of often substances and when it is large -scale.Up to a kilo?Up to 10?That will determine that the Tucuman police- or the new prosecutors and judges- have to define the competence at the time.The experience in the 14 years of validity of the national law proposed by the provincialization of drug trafficking shows that this has not been resolved.Federal prosecutor Pablo Camuña pointed out that the main blind spot of this matter is the "gray areas" between an international narcocriminal organization and a kiosk that sells dose for consumption.That problem of dividing a crime is what motivated that few provinces adhere to national law: Buenos Aires(since 2005), Córdoba(since 2012), Salta, Chaco, Formosa and Entre Ríos.Tucumán insists with his 2014 proposal.“I think it's the same as in 2014.I can't make objection because the law is not promulgated, ”says Jiménez.“It is a complicated situation from the legal because there is a resolution of the Tucumana Court by which the application of the law against drug trafficking was suspended and now there is a legislative insistence.You have to look good, ”he adds.(...) ".

All this happens in the province that Manages Manzur, where in the prison under jurisdiction of the governorate, cocaine is 'cooking'.I should pay a little more attention.