They inspect authorized positions to sell pyrotechnics in Cabo San Lucas inspect authorized positions to sell pyrotechnics in Cabo San Lucas

LOS CABOSREDACIÓN2021-12-2626DIC2021 REDACTION0338 Share news at:

Los Cabos, Baja California Sur.- With the purpose that the semi-final positions with the sale of pyrotechnic fires have the corresponding permits, the Fiscal Inspection Coordination in Cabo San Lucas makes constant tours in various areas of the delegation, to carry out the reviewnecessary to authorized businesses.

In that sense, Manuel Guerreo Cruz, head of Fiscal Inspection explained that work is being worked on the supervision of these businesses with the support of Civil Protection and Public Security, where so far 7 establishments with allowed sale have been inspected.

Inspeccionan puestos autorizados para vender pirotecnia en Cabo San Lucas Inspeccionan puestos autorizados para vender pirotecnia en Cabo San Lucas

He also announced that all the positions had the corresponding permit issued by the City Council of Los Cabos and the Ministry of National Defense (Sedena).

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Etiquetas:Ayuntamiento de Los CabosCabo San Lucas