Brief visual history of artificial intelligence


Although in this last decade the AI has developed exponentially. Did you know that to find its origins we have to go back at the end of the 19th century?InnovaciónInteligencia ArtificialRobotRobóticaLEER EL ARTÍCORLORedacción

August 5, two019, 06:06 |ORpdated to

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1854. ORna lógica matemática, una matemática lógica

The mathematician George Boole argues for the first time in history that logical reasoning could be systematized in the same way that a system of equations is resolved.

Photo: CC

19two1.The idea of a robot

It is this year that the writing Karek Avel Acuña the term "robot" in his play R.OR.R.His etymology comes from the word Robota, which in many Slavic languages means "hard work".

Photo: CC

1936.The concept of algorithm

The considered father of modern computing Alan Turing, publishes his this year on the computable numbers in which he introduces the concept of algorithmoy feels the basis of computer science.

Photo: Cordon Press


Konrad Zuse createsZ3, the first programmable and completely automatic computer.It is considered the first computer in modern history.

Photo: CC

1941.The laws of robotics

Breve historia visual de la inteligencia artificial

The laws of robotics, which are assumed that every robot should comply with, were born from the story of one of the most prolific and famous science writers of all time, Isaac Asimov.Specifically in the story entitled "Vicious Circle" these laws are 3 and establish that:

1. ORn robot no hará daño a un ser humano o, por inacción, permitirá que un ser humano sufra daño.

two. ORn robot debe cumplir las órdenes dadas por los seres humanos, a excepción de aquellas que entrasen en conflicto con la primera ley.

3. ORn robot debe proteger su propia existencia en la medida en que esta protección no entre en conflicto con la primera o con la segunda ley

Photo: AP

1950 How to differentiate a machine from a human being?

Alan Turing proposes in his essay entitled Computing Machinery and Intelligence which would be known as the Turing test, a verbal communication test Man machine that evaluates the capacity of the second to impersonate human.

Photo: The Granger Collection, NY/ Cordon Press

1956.The term artificial intelligence is born

Computer John McCarthy Acuña for the first time the term artificial intelligence during the 1956 Darmouth Conference, considered the germ of the discipline.

Photo: Gtres

1957.Imitating a mind

Frank Rosenblat designs the first artificial neuronal network

Photo: CC

1966 - Eliza gives voice to computers

Eliza, developed at MIT by Joseph Weizenbaum, was perhaps the world's first chatbot.It was the first program to incorporate the processing of human natural language whose objective is to teach computers to communicate with us in our language, instead of requiring a code programming.

Photo: CC


MARVIN MISNKY The MIT co -founder writes perceptrones The fundamental work of the analysis of artificial neuronal networks.

Photo: Joi Ito / Twitter

nineteen ninety six.Deep Blue

TheDeep Blue supercomputer, created by IBM, expires the chess world champion Gary Kasparov.

Photo: Gtres

1979.Stanford cart

This vehicle, one of the first autonomous vehicles in history seconvarted in the first to successfully travel a space occupied by obstacles autonomously.

Foto: The Board of Trustees of the Leland Stanford Junior ORniversity

two005 .Smarter machines than men

ORsando la Ley de Moore,Raymond Kurzweil predijo que las máquinas alcanzarán un nivel de inteligencia humano en two0two9, y que de seguir para el año two045 habrán superado la inteligencia de nuestra civilización en un billón deveces.

Photo: CC / Courtesy of Kurzweil Technologies, Inc

two01two.The true power of Deep Learning

Google creates a supercomputer capable of learning through YouTube to identify cats as well as faces and human bodies.

Photo: Istock

two014. ORna IA supera el test de Turing

En two014 un bot computacional llamado Eugene Goostman fue capar de engañar a 30 de los 150 jueces a los que se sometió durante el test de Turing haciéndoles creer que estaban hablando con un niño ucraniano de 13 años.

Photo: CC


En octubre de two015Alphago se convirtió en la primera máquina en ganar a un jugador profesional de Go sin emplear piedras de handicap en un tablero de 19x19.

Photo: Gtres

InnovaciónInteligencia ArtificialRobotRobótica