▶ How to recover photos from Google Photos cloud

Google Photos is a very practical tool to have a backup of all our photos that we can access from anywhere. But there are times when we may need to know how to recover photos from Google Photos cloud.

In principle, the photos that are uploaded to the platform will remain both in the Google Photos cloud and in the gallery of the mobile phone from which we have published them. But it is possible that at some point we have deleted the photos from the phone, or simply that we want to have the image on another phone other than the one we used at first.

Luckily, the photos that we have in Google Photos do not have to stay forever in the cloud. There is the option of recovering the file, both on the mobile from which they were uploaded and on any other device from which we enter our account.

How to recover photos from Google Photos on another mobile

If, for example, you have changed your mobile and your photo files remained on the old one, you will probably wonder how to recover photos from Google Photos on another mobile. To do this, you only have to search your Google Photos gallery for the image you want to recover. When you click on it, you will see how an icon with three points appears at the top. Click on it and, in the menu that will appear, you will have to press the Download button.

In a matter of seconds (depending on the size of the photo) you can have the image file on your new phone. But keep in mind that it will be downloaded with the quality with which it was uploaded to Google Photos, not with the initial quality of the file. If you have a large file and want to maintain its quality, uploading it to Drive is preferable to Photos.

How to recover photos from Google Photos in the mobile gallery

If you have a photo uploaded to the cloud but you want to have it back in the internal storage of your device, you may be wondering how to recover photos from Google Photos in the mobile gallery. The reality is that the procedure is very similar to the one we explained in the previous section. You will have to enter the application and find the photo you want to recover. When pointing at it, click on the icon with three points that will appear and you will see an option called Restore. By clicking on it you will be able to have said photo again in the memory of your phone without major complications.

How to recover deleted photos from Google Photos cloud

If you wonder how to recover deleted photos from the Google Photos cloud, the answer will depend on how long ago you deleted it. If it's been less than 60 days, your photo is probably in the trash. Therefore, all you have to do is go to said trash, find the photo you want and click restore. The photo will be back in the cloud, in your gallery, and in all the albums it was in.

In the event that it has been more than 60 days since you deleted the photo, in principle you cannot recover it, since it would be permanently deleted.

There are applications like Diskdigger that allow you to recover some of the files that you had on your device and that you have deleted. But to be sure that you can have a photo in your hands again, it is essential that the required 60 days have not passed.

Other tricks for Google Photos

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