Czech your purchase: the digital guide to know if the paneton you buy does not exceed trans gauze limits

En el marco de la campaña #NavidadSegura2021, el Indecopi lanzó la guía digital #ChecaTuCompra comparativo de panetón, a fin de generar conciencia sobre el consumo responsable y la importancia de tener una ciudadanía informada.

This campaign is carried out within the framework of the current Indecopi policy of placing citizens at the center of their services, as well as to sensitize the population about the importance of informing themselves before deciding a purchase.

La guía #ChecaTuCompra contiene información útil para las y los ciudadanos y puedan tomar las decisiones acertadas de compra al momento de elegir el panetón que los acompañará en sus mesas esta Navidad.In addition, it requires the mandatory information that product labels must contain, such as: expiration date, sanitary registration, nutritional table and special conservation conditions, prices, among others.

#ChecaTuCompra comparativo de panetón también compara las características de 12 marcas de panetones que se comercializan en el mercado respecto de las kilocalorías declaradas por cada 100 gramos de producto.

All marks analyzed exceed 10 grams sugar limit per 100 grams of dough, consequently, all have black octagons and with the legend in white letters that says "high in sugar".

It also includes a comparison of the level of saturated fat and total sugars for each paneton portion, so that consumers can make their choice safely and healthy.

Checa tu compra: la guía digital para conocer si el panetón que compras no sobrepasa los límites de gasas trans

The guide has been prepared by the National Consumer Protection Authority, which has collected relevant information for consumers and puts it at their disposal so that it can evaluate it and make safe decisions when acquiring them during Christmas and New Year's parties.

Esta guía puede ser descargada y revisada en el siguiente enlace: Checa tu compra – panetón

Users who wish to consult the phone 224 7777 for Lima and 0800 4 4040 for regions, as well as the mail Sacreclamo@Indecopi.Gob.PE, through which they can present their claims.

Cheese Tris out of the market

Indecopi impuso una medida cautelar y ordenó el cese y comercialización de los productos Bimboletes marmoleado de la marca Bimbo, Panetón con pasas y frutas confitadas, de la marca Bell’s; y Cheese Tris de la marca Frito Lay, que contendrían grasas trans en una cantidad superior a la establecida por la normativa vigente.

The decision made with vote in a major.A.C., Peruvian supermarkets S.A.and Latin America S Snacks.R.L., communicate the products observed to all its distributors and/or marketers, including those who make sales online.

Likewise, the resolution requires that, within seven business days, the four suppliers publish, through their website and social networks, to have them, the order contained in the precautionary extent, so that all consumers can know the mandate.

También se ordena a las empresas que, en un plazo máximo de treinta (30) días hábiles, contados a partir del día siguiente de notificada la resolución, cumplan con retirar todas las unidades del producto observado que han sido colocadas en el mercado a través de sus diferentes canales de distribución y/o comercialización.

Companies have a maximum and non -extendable period of five (5) business days, counted from the expiration of all the deadlines granted, to send to the commission the means of evidence that prove compliance with the ordered.

Cheese Tris statement

Through a statement, the company Snacks Latin America S.R.L.He said that the Sanck Cheese Tris is prepared under the strictest quality standards with the highest sanitary standards, in line with the parameters established in Peruvian standards of labeling and production.

He said that according to his independent analysis and laboratory analysis and studies..

In front of the measure announced by INDECOPI referring to the impediment of the commercialization of its product, he said they will comply with the decision in respect of the legal order and carry out complementary studies to give the peace of minds of their product, in addition to ratify local.

Finally, in the same statement he reaffirmed his commitment to provide the greatest transparency and veracity of information about his products.


Indecopi lanza lista de panetones menos saludables en el mercado
Indecopi ordena retirar del mercado productos de Bimbo, Bell’s y Frito Lay, por superar límite de grasas trans
Indecopi resuelve que está prohibida la venta de ‘chips’ para celulares en la vía pública
Piden a Indecopi que sancione a empresas que realizan llamadas y mensajes molestos a consumidores