COVID-19 vaccines for children, artificial intelligence, biosphere reserves Wednesday's news |UN news

PAHO cannot recommend vaccinating children against COVID-19

The Pan American Health Organization cannot yet recommend vaccinating COVID-19 to children under 12 years, until the results of the trials are known, and warns that minors increasingly represent a higher percentage of hospitalizations and deaths.

Of vaccines that already have an emergency use authorization by the World Health Organization, only Pfizer is authorized to use it in adolescents from 12 years.Modern has asked the WHO to review their data to use in adolescents from 12 to 15 years;Syovac and Sinopharm have requested to use them from 3 to 17 years.

The emergency head of the American branch of the organization, Ciro Ugarte, explained that the results of the children's essays are being carefully reviewed."There are still no vaccines authorized by WHO for use in children and therefore, OPS and WHO do not yet recommend vaccines in those groups".

Two Latin American countries have begun to vaccinate children.“Cuba and Chile already use and sure that their regulatory authorities have already received the information from the producers, they reviewed and authorized.That is a decision of each country and they do not have to justify it before WHO.We cannot comment because we do not know the data that were presented, ”he explained.

The organization's director said that last year there were more than 1.5 million cases of COVID-19 between children and adolescents in the region.So far this year, infections in this group have exceeded 1.9 million.

As a greater number of adults receive vaccines against COVID -19, children - represent a higher percentage of hospitalizations and even Covid deaths.

"Therefore, we must be clear: children and young people also face an important risk of Covid-19 disease," said Carisse Etienne.

The economy will grow in 2021 at the highest rate in 50 years

FMI//Ernesto BenavidesLa economía de América Latina y el Caribe se incrementará un 5,9% durante este año

Vacunas COVID-19 para niños, Inteligencia Artificial, Reservas de la Biosfera Las noticias del miércoles | Noticias ONU

The growth of the world economy will reach 5.3% in 2021, the highest rate in almost five decades for the stimulus measures approved by governments to get out of the pandemic crisis.

The UN Commerce and Development Conference estimates that in 2022 world growth will slow down 3.6%, which would leave worldwide 3.7% below the expected level according to the prepaid trend, which is aaccumulated loss of about 13 billion dollars in 2020-2022.

"The return to more shy or, even worse, old orthodox recipes, would show even more disappointing results in economic growth," they say.

The UN agency proposes relief, and in some cases cancellation, debt;A reevaluation of the role of fiscal policy in the world economy, greater policy coordination among the main economies of the world, and support for vaccine administration in developing countries.

Bachelet asks for a moratorium in the use of artificial intelligence due to "huge risks"

Unsplash/Maxime ValcarceEl incremento del número de datos es una herramienta clave para los avances en la inteligencia artificial.

The High Commissioner for Human Rights asks to establish a moratorium for sale and use of artificial intelligence systems since "they seriously threaten human rights", until the appropriate safeguards have been made in force.

Michelle Bachelet also requested that artificial intelligence programs are prohibited whose use does not comply with international human rights regulations.

The UN Human Rights Office has published a report in which it analyzes how artificial intelligence - including automatic profile elaboration, decision making and other learning technologies for machines - affects the right to privacy,related to health, education, freedom of movement, freedom of meeting and peaceful association, and freedom of expression.

“Artificial intelligence involves enormous risks to human rights and despite these implications it has been designed and deployed in critical systems for our most basic freedoms without adequate regulation or supervision.It is not the risks that will be in the future, it is the reality we see today, ”said Peggy Hicks, one of those responsible for the report.

The analysis ensures that there have been many cases of people who have been unfairly treated due to artificial intelligence, either because they have denied social security benefits or because they have been arrested as a result of errors in facial recognition systems.

Peru and Spain sites enter the Unesco Biosphere reserves

Noticias ONU/Daniela GrossEn 54 años la cordillera blanca de Perú ha perdido un promedio del 38% de su cobertura de glaciares.

UNESCO today added 20 new sites, in 21 countries, including Peru and Spain, to the World Biosphere Reserves Network

The Avireri-Vraem Biosphere Reserve, located in the provinces of SatipMountain and cloudy forests, and the Andean region at the heights of the Andes mountain range.There are 257 species of endemic fauna, 307 species of endemic flora and in danger of extinction and 115 species of endangered animals.The biosphere has a population of about 458.701 inhabitants, including local and indigenous communities, who speak eight different languages.

In Spain, the Ribeira Sacra and Serras do Oribio and Coul Biosphere Reserve, in Galicia, in the mountainous end of the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula.It is a place of great beauty and cultural heritage.It houses 1214 species of flora, 52.7% of the floristic diversity of Galicia, and 277 fauna species.It also has caves, rocky coats, petroglyphs, megaliths, monasteries, churches, ancient settlements and bridges that attests to the high value of the region.