Cybercriminals increase phishing attacks on social networks

Threat trend like phishing

In the quarterly report of Phishlabs, throughout 2021 has detected and mitigated a large number of phishing threats, social networks, email and dark web aimed at a wide range of companies and brands.It should be noted that phishing remains the dominant attack vector for cybercriminals.If we make a comparison with the year 2020 we can observe that it has increased by 31.5%.

According to John Lacour, founder and CTO of Phishlabs, at the beginning of the summer of 2021 we saw a fall in the phishing volume.However, he also adds that this was punctual since this type of attacks increased again in the months of July and September.Many IT safety teams will have been dealing with an avalanche of threats during the holidays.In that aspect it can be very important to know why Phishing messages triumph and how to protect us.

Los ciberdelincuentes aumentan los ataques de phishing en redes sociales