Two young people arrested in Zaragoza for violently assaulting the owners of a shop in which they entered to steal

Agents of the Police Headquarters of Aragon arrested two men, aged 21 and 25 respectively, as alleged perpetrators of a crime of robbery with violence and another of injuries in Zaragoza, with both having numerous police records.

The events took place around 11:00 p.m. in a place in Plaza San Gregorio, where apparently two men were causing damage to a food establishment.

According to the National Police, upon arrival at the scene, the agents stopped two young people who were leaving the establishment and several passers-by pointed them out as the people who had caused the damage to the store moments before.

Once inside the premises, the agents found its owner, who was bleeding from the mouth, and his wife wounded on the ground, so they called an ambulance so that both could receive medical assistance, and the woman had to be transferred. to a hospital.

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The agents met with the person in charge of the premises, who told them that moments before the young people they had detained had begun to take various items such as bottles of alcohol, candies and nuts and that they had tried to leave the store without paying for the products.

That when trying to avoid him, they had punched him in the mouth and pushed him hard and that when he went to help him, they had hit his wife several times with a stick and had thrown her to the ground, hitting her head and side.

In addition, the victim said he knew these two individuals because on several occasions they had already stolen products from his store.

The Police proceeded to arrest the two young men, hours later they were placed at the disposition of the court of instruction on duty.