"Occupational Health Protocol" issued by the Yucatan Health Services (SSY) is disseminated in the Judiciary

Wednesday, January 26, 2022 “Occupational Health Protocol” issued by the Yucatan Health Services (SSY) Mérida, Yucatán on January 26, 2022 is disseminated in the Judiciary Judicial servants from the various administrative and jurisdictional areas of all the organs of the Judicial Power of the State reinforce and deepen their knowledge about the measures recommended in the "Health Protocol for the Work Environment" issued by the Health Services of Yucatan (SSY), in order to prevent contagion by the Sars virus -Cov2 The foregoing through a series of online training sessions that began on January 24 of the present and will continue daily until January 27 of the present, in which medical personnel assigned to the SSY details and explains how in which each of these measures must be applied in order to be effective. In yesterday's session, the President of the Superior Court of Justice and of the Council of e the Judiciary, Ricardo Ávila Heredia, welcomed the participants, Dr. Carlos Isaac Hernández Fuentes, Director of Prevention and Protection of Yucatan Health Services of the State Government, Dr. Israel Tun Álvarez, director of Meditoc, as well as Dr. Ana María Bastarrachea, who was in charge of the conference, which also detailed the operation of the App Meditoc and Line 800 Yucatán mobile phone applications, which are attended by health specialists, 24 hours a day. the days of the week. The Covid notification service was also explained, which can be accessed on mobile phones and which serves to stay alert for possible contacts with suspected or confirmed cases of Covid patients, to take preventive measures and be attentive to possible symptoms. This training on the "Sanitary Protocol for the Work Environment" addressed the need to adequately comply with the following measures: In sanitary filters, taking temperature in front; the application of the use of antibacterial gel with 70% alcohol; as well as not allowing access to people who have symptoms or a temperature greater than 37° C. Likewise, it is recommended to avoid systems for registering the arrival and departure of workers through fingerprints, as they constitute chains of contagion. It is also recommended that people who want to enter public or private buildings be questioned if they have any symptoms such as muscle pain, headache or sore throat to restrict entry as they constitute symptoms corresponding to Covid-19 and its variants. Other recommendations are the use of three-layer face masks and Kn95, correctly and at all times, covering the nose and mouth; These masks have an effective protection duration of 12 hours. In the same way, emphasis was placed on the distribution of chairs in dining rooms, cafeterias, meeting rooms in institutions or companies at least 1.5 meters apart, preferably outdoors, and having antibacterial gel dispensers or sanitary services for hand washing. In the case of closed places, entry by small groups is recommended, considering the capacity of the room. Public and private institutions must have exposed dissemination materials to reinforce prevention messages, since people can let their guard down when they are inside buildings. Regarding the proper management of suspected cases, it was reported that it is more effective to perform a test, either antigen or PCR, 3 to 5 days after exposure, since these are the days of virus incubation. People who test positive must maintain isolation for 7 to 10 days. It was clarified that people infected by some variant of Covid-19 can be infected again, for which it is important to follow the recommendations of the Protocol at all times. Dr. Bastarrachea explained that infected people who presented mild symptoms should wait 15 days to get vaccinated and in the case of patients who presented severe symptoms, they should wait 30 days. Regarding the 800 YUCATAN line that was enabled on March 17, 2020, it records the information of the people who call for presenting symptoms of Covid and so far they have served 149,923 people. These sessions are held at 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and are aimed at personnel of the Commercial Courts; Family Orality Courts; State Center for Dispute Resolution; Auxiliary Fund; Psychology Unit; Victims Department; Administrative coordination of the building that houses the Family and Commercial Courts of Calle 35 of this city; the Office of Parts and maintenance personnel and general services. The training will also reach the personnel of the Mixed Civil, Family and Progress Control Courts; Uman; Motul; Kanasin; Tekax; Ticul; Valladolid; Tizimin; Izamal; Civil Courts; penalties; Control Courts; Family Courts; Execution Courts; 1st Court of Oral Trial and Justice Court for Adolescents Finally, it will address the personnel of the Commissions of the Council of the Judiciary; Administration and Finance Department; General services; Executive Secretary; Judicial Archive; Transparency Unit; Social Communication and Protocol Unit; Legal Affairs Unit; unions; Superior Court of Justice and Court of Workers at the Service of the State and Municipalities. Social Communication and Protocol Unit of the Judiciary of the State of YucatanCommunication No. UCSYP/013/ENE/2022/MFMMDocument for disclosure purposes