Thirty dependent elderly people living alone benefit from the new Konekta2 programme, through which the municipality of Fuenlabrada has incorporated artificial intelligence into its home care services for older persons. This is a pilot experience that has been launched by the town hall in 30 homes and started this month with the aim of, once the pilot experience has been completed, to extend to more users and users next year.

The project consists of a virtual assistant, without camera and voice enabled, connected to sensors in different places of the house detect movements and routines, warning of some incidence. "it is about incorporating Alexa virtual assistants and IOT devices (Internet of things) that are connected to the Network through sensors in points such as corridors, doors, or appliances, allowing to connect and exchange data on the state of the person using software and other applicable technologies," explains Social Welfare Councilwoman Raquel López.

A virtual assistant, without camera and voice enabled, connected to sensors in different locations in the home detect movements and routines, warning of any possible incidence

Changes in routines

FUENLABRADA | Fuenlabrada aplica la inteligencia artificial al cuidado domiciliario de las personas mayores

This innovative system detects the routine of the elderly person in their home and automatically notifies and without having to carry any device on them, any unusual behavior to their relatives. Thus, they can check possible incidences and changes in their routines, ahead of accidents. Users and antidepressants can also ask for help only using the voice.

The program is aimed at people living alone who have some kind of cognitive impairment. It will be heard through the municipal social services to families and users of the municipal tele-assistance service. In principle, this is a pilot project for which 30 people have been selected to test the service this year. Once evaluated by the technicians, the next year could be extended to more beneficiaries.

The City Council of Fuenlabrada has various support programmes, in their own homes, for elderly people living alone, such as home meals, home conditioning aids, tele-assistance or home help.

Blanca Portillo, Diana Navarro, Natalia Verbeke or Lorenzo Silva, some of the artists who will step on Fuenlabrada in the coming months

Esta es la programación escénica de nuestro municipio hasta el próximo marzo