In the oral trial of telephone punctures after the interrogation of the Public Ministry, evidence is recognized - Public Ministry of Panama

lunes septiembre 20, 2021 |Y. Rivera

In the oral trial of telephone punctures after the interrogation of the Public Ministry, evidence is recognized

In the oral trial, in the case of telephone punctures, followed to a former president of the Republic, the verification by the expert Luis Rivera Calles was continued, of the content of the 7 booklets of the 46 test, which were already read by the Prosecutor's OfficeIn previous sessions.

The documents recognized by the expert, among which are agendas with political campaign issues, continue to provide revealing information, in that from the National Security Council illegal listenings were made, from building 150, by higher orders.

In the oral trial of telephone punctures after the interrogation of the Public Ministry, evidence is recognized - Ministerio Público de Panamá

Through the interrogation of the Public Ministry, the expert recognized inspection documents carried out in 2014 to the National Security Council, also indicating that a restoration of 2 hard drives was made, information that was passed to an electronic device with the extraction of data withWarranty for the Safety of Registered Audios Information, Victims Monitoring Documentation, Technological Devices Images, WhatsApp conversations, in diligence conducted September 2, 2014.

The witness indicated that, at the time of doing these proceedings, there were no forms on document records, since the custody chain manual begins to govern as of 2015;However, the act of collection of indications was raised at that time.

In the Public Ministry team that participates in this oral trial are superior prosecutors: Diana Callender, Ricaurte González, Aurelio Vásquez;In addition to the prosecutors Idelman Camaño and Alexis Medina, the latter who asked the questions to the expert.

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