Invertia cohesion and coherence, keys to an effective regulation of artificial intelligence

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Technological innovation is registering in recent years a marked acceleration that will make its use a "disruptive potential" for which the current regulation is not prepared.Hence, it is necessary.

That is the end of the artificial intelligence regulation that the European Commission (CE) proposed a few weeks ago, a set of new standards and measures with which Brussels wants to generate confidence in this technology and enhance investment and innovation in it.A text that still has to be negotiated and approved by both EU governments and European Parliament.

In this context of debate, the ESAD Economic Policy Center organized a webinar under the motto 'towards an ecosystem of excellence in artificial intelligence based on trust', which was attended by Carme Artigas, Secretary of Digitization Stateand artificial intelligence;Cecilia Álvarez, Direct of Privacy Policies for EMEA of Facebook;and Teresa Rodríguez de las Heras, Professor of Commercial Law at the Carlos III University of Madrid.

During his speech, Rodríguez de la Heras said that until now there hasYou could bankrupt some of the current concepts.

Among the aspects that make the AI distinct and disruptive, and that cause it to adapt the regulation, are, according to Rodríguez de las Heras, their complexity;your opacity;its vulnerability;the extraordinary dependence of the data, which are the sap of artificial intelligence systems;and his growing autonomy.

Thus, he remarked that all this implies two things for private law: that the line marked for centuries between things and people has blurred, since there are machines with a certain level of decision autonomy;and a certain margin of unpredictability.Hence, there is the perception that we are facing a turning point in the regulation of technology.

In this sense, Artigas remarked that it is time to have these debates about the regulation of AI."If we let the technology develop without any control, when we want to put those clippers to their robustness, their traceability, their safety and its ethical or social impact, we will not have time to regulate it," he said.

Invertia  Cohesión y coherencia, claves para una regulación eficaz de la inteligencia artificial

The Secretary of State defended that "little fear of technology" must beAvoid negative consequences such as manipulating individuals or expanding biases.

In this context, in which Europe has begun to design its regulations on AI, Artigas remarked that it is "in our hands" design "another way of understanding technology", a people centered on people.A "humanistic" vision of technology that Spain has defended both in the EU, and before the OECD and the G20 and that already contemplates the National Artificial Intelligence Strategy (ENIA) launched last December by the Government.

European Regulation

Regarding the European proposal, Artigas sees positive that technology itself is not regulated, but its concrete uses, since if it is regulated ex before there is a risk of limiting the capacity for innovation.Thus, he celebrated the commitment to define clear rules of the game, that are "shared and help generate trust and certainty".

Likewise, the creation of regulatory areneros supports, since in something as innovative as AI is not possible to know everything that has to be regulated in the current phase.Thus, he remarked that it is necessary.

For his part, Rodríguez de las Heras said there is no doubt that there is a "regulatory exuberance" in recent years in the European Union (EU), which has chosen to position itself in the new world order as a "regulatory power".Thus, he stressed that this does not imply regulating much, "but well".

In this regard, he pointed out that the concern is not so much in the amount of regulation and in the quality of the same and the success when setting the strategy.In this regard, he pointed out that one of the most perverse effects of fragmented regulation is that it is not consistent and remarked that if a coherent regulation is achieved, the risks derived from the amount will have a lower importance.

In addition, it influenced the importance of the strategy so that, on the one hand, innovation and competitive market game are promoted, and, on the other, an innovation based on values and principles."The amount is not the problem, but the quality and consistency of the regulatory strategy," he insisted.

For his part, Álvarez said that on Facebook, as an industry, they bet on a regulation that seeks transparency, accountability and that is respectful of values.In this regard, he added that it must rely on four legs: that it is based on principles, that is based on the risk, that is flexible and adaptable and that it is "consistent".

Bet on collaboration

Specifically, he highlighted the attention that the CE has given to the comments sent regarding the risks for industry and academy in public consultation, something that does not always happen.In addition, he celebrated that he was advised to create test spaces or sandboxes so that the regulation is the result of a joint work and have the ability to "correct the shot" when necessary, given that there are uses of AI that can not yet be provided.

Thus, Álvarez stressed that we are entering such a disruptive world that a "high degree of consensus" is needed around regulation, which must be "everyone's job and not against each other".In addition, he added that this must be innovative, not only as technology, but in the way in which politics is done.In his opinion, for a sandbox to work there must be incentives to be used by industries.

He also urged to take advantage of tools that already exist to regulate the use of AI, since it is not always necessary to create new bodies that can lead to duplicate efforts and even generate contradictory regulations."It's about taking advantage of what we have and seeing how we can use it," he said.

In this sense, Artigas celebrated that the technological sector is collaborating a lot with the European Commission in these debates, not only because it affects the future of its business, but also for the change of social perception, which makes it possible for things that are possible byLaw, but that people do not tolerate.

Thus, he stressed that the development of AI will not be the same in all parts of the world, but remarked that the joint work that is being carried out in Europe suggests that the industry is concerned about regulation and because developmentTechnological has coherence with values and principles.

Regarding the differences in regulation between the different regions, Álvarez pointed out that, although the regulatory international harmonization will never be possible, globalization has allowed more convergence to be thought.In fact, he assured that there are great elements that unite Europe and the United States regarding values and respect for the law.

For example, he pointed out that the social scoring that prohibits European regulation probably causes the same restlessness in the old continent as in the United States."We have many elements in common to work in a model where none of the aforementioned principles is strange on both sides of the ocean.That doesn't mean it's easy, "he said.

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