It is important to have close female references in science

-You have received the WonNow award for the best academic record, you have already received a scholarship from Google and the ESO national award... Are the awards still exciting or do you get used to it?

- Yes, they continue to be exciting, it's always satisfying to be recognized for your work.

-It will invest the 10,000 euros of the prize in outreach activities. Is this your choice or a prize requirement? Not even a dinner will be allowed?

-(Laughs) I don't know how I'll spend it completely, we'll see. But a large part will go to dissemination activities, because I have always been very involved in them and I enjoy them, they are also important for promoting scientific vocations among women, it is a great satisfaction.

-In these activities, she says that she likes to show the girls what she enjoys with scientific activity. What do you like about your area?

-On the one hand, you never stop learning, discovering new things with which, in addition, you change the world, you can contribute things. In practice, the girls have a wrong image, they think that we work alone in front of the computer, when the reality is that, for example, in my group, there is a lot of teamwork.

-He is doing his doctorate in the Graphics & I3A Imaging Lab, at the University of Zaragoza, what do you do exactly?

-The group is in charge of computer graphics, computer image generation. Specifically, I am researching the perception of materials, to better understand how the brain interprets the materials we perceive through sight, with the help of Artificial Intelligence. Which in turn will allow the generation of realistic images, which can be modified more intuitively.

-Going back to your outreach vocation, what problems do you continue to see in your talks when girls opt for STEM careers?

-There are still stereotypes, they think they are difficult, that they are for boys. There is also a lot of ignorance about what we do, like what I was saying about teamwork. It is important that they have close references, for example I like to give talks at my school, so they can see that I also studied there and it can be achieved. It is important to have references of historical women scientists, and many of them have been silenced throughout history. But Marie Curie is far away (laughs).

-But the problem of the female presence in science persists. Are you the only woman in your research group?

-No, I'm not the only one, we are two doctoral students and another one who is going to join. In addition, of the two thesis directors, one is a woman, Belén Masiá, which also helps more girls to join. But although in my group in particular things are not so bad, it is a rare example; In the degree and the master's degree there were very few girls, there were classes in which I was alone.

-You have already studied abroad, and with your CV there will be no shortage of offers. Can you make a good living from research in Zaragoza and in Spain in general?

-You can have a career, but it is true that in Research there are a lot of resources and there are good opportunities outside. But in Zaragoza there is a lot of talent and research with great international impact, although here it is not so well known. I would like to stay here. For now, the four years of doctorate. It is very difficult to anticipate what will happen next, but if I had to say it now, I would want to stay, I am attracted to research and teaching.