Omicrono The WhatsApp trick to find out who has your number without you knowing

WhatsApp has a little-known trick that allows you to know who has your number.NCOmicrono


The popular messaging application has a little known and used trick that allows any user to find out if an unknown person has their number without knowing it.

29 October, 202119:02
Nacho Castañón@nachocastaf

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Over time, WhatsApp has become the preferred application by Spaniards to keep in touch with their friends and family. A tool that offers different functions, such as one that makes it easier to buy, but is not as complete as its competitors, such as Telegram. However, it has a series of tricks that allow you to get even more out of it.

If previously a shortcut was released that allows you to view messages with the mobile turned off and another to add a contact without asking for their number; now we reveal a trick that helps you know if someone, such as a stranger or a person with whom you do not want to have a relationship, saves your phone number without your knowledge.

This trick is not really new, but has been around for a long time. What happens is that many WhatsApp users were unaware of it and very few put it into practice. Unlike other shortcuts, to do this you don't have to download any third-party application or do anything outside of the messaging application owned by Meta, a company formerly known as Facebook. Therefore, it is totally safe and, in fact, quite simple.

A WhatsApp conversation.

Knowing if someone has saved your phone number does not take much time, since it only takes a few small steps. In addition, this time only one of the already integrated functions of WhatsApp is used and that is not usually used regularly.

How does it work?

As happens in practically all social networks, users like to know who they have as a contact and, in this case, who saves their phone number: from friends to family, through former co-workers, ex-partners or strangers. WhatsApp does not really offer this data, but thanks to this trick it is possible to find out.

The key to the trick is in the 'Broadcast lists'.Nacho CastañónOmicrono

The key to this trick lies in the 'broadcast lists', a WhatsApp feature with which you can send messages to several contacts at the same time; although it will appear to each of them as an individual message. In addition, the responses received are not sent to other recipients on the list, since only the creator of the responses can communicate with the rest in private chats.

The steps to perform this trick are simple. First you have to open the WhatsApp application, click on the three points on Android and create a new broadcast list (available in the chat window itself on iOS). Then you have to select the contacts that will receive the message, 256 being the maximum, and touch 'Create'.

Up to 256 contacts can be added.Nacho CastañónOmicrono

At this point, all that remains is to write the text and send it. After letting it run for a while, clicking on the message (and in the 'Info.' option on Android) will show both the contacts who have received and read it and those people who have your phone number saved without you knowing it, although are not on the agenda.

If you discover a number or person you don't want to know about, you can go to 'Privacy' to select that you can't see the profile photo, the status, the last connection time or personal information. On the other hand, it can always be blocked, although if the number is not scheduled, it will have to be saved beforehand to formalize the blocking.

Requirements for lists

WhatsApp offers a series of requirements to use the 'broadcast lists', which can be edited and even put a name. The first of these is that the user must make sure that all the contacts on said list have their phone number saved in the mobile's address book, otherwise they will not receive the message.

There is currently no limit to the number of 'broadcast lists' that can be created, although only 256 contacts can be added to them. To ensure that what you want to send is delivered correctly, it is recommended not to send a large number of messages at the same time.

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