Schooling in Seville concludes with the opening of 20 children's classrooms and the reinforcement of the FP Kome, 100% natural food for your pet

Little by little, the structure that will have the next school year in the province of Seville takes shape, an academic exercise in which the Board (as the universities will do) will bet on the maximum possible normality.All this after new months in which teaching has managed to get almost unscathed from the threat of coronavirus.A triumph if compared to the situation that schools and institutes have lived in many European countries.

The next course has also been preceded by an intense controversy due to the closure of public classrooms before the drop in birth.A decrease that Ampa, unions and opposition parties encrypted in 1.100 units.The truth is that, once the application data submitted during March and in the absence of registration certification (in force this week), the proposal that will raise the Territorial Delegation of Education to the Ministry is the opening of 20 children's classrooms will be analyzed.three years to meet the demand for schooling at that age.

This endowment will mean the incorporation of about 500 places for this non -mandatory stage with which a position for the school life of minors is guaranteed.The schools where the units will be incorporated are El Talhara (Benacazón), El Prado (Olivares), Inspector Ruperto Escobar (Umbrete), Andalusia (Guillena), José Ramón (Alcalá de Guadaíra), Maestro Arturo Giner (Camas), Luis Cernuda (Castilleja de la Cuesta), Virgen del Monte (Cazalla de la Sierra), Maestro Manuel Gómez (Coria del Río), Mayor León Ríos (El Viso del Alcor), Our Lady of Remedies (Estepa), Encarnación Ruiz Porras (Matarredonda), Beatriz Cabrera (Pilas), Maestro Antonio Rodríguez Jiménez (San José de la Rinconada), Reyes de España (Lora del Río), Antonio González Álvarez (Mairena del Alcor), Guadalquivir (Mairena del Aljarafe), Father Marchena (Marchena),Rafael Alberti (Montequinto) and Tartessos (Sevilla Este).

Faced with these openings, there is the closure of six three -year units that was not contemplated in the planning of the March offer and that is due to the fact that the number of applications registered in the affected centers is below the places submitted.A decrease that supposes the loss of 150 positions.There are only two schools in the province where they will be eliminated (Miguel Hernández, from Brenes; and Almendral, Carmona).The other four are from the capital, where most closures are concentrated (those included in March and those of now): José María del Campo, in Triana;The spring, in Seville Este;Lope de Rueda, in Alcosa Park;and Captain General Julio Coloma Gallegos, in Bami.

The commitment to FP

 La escolarización en Sevilla concluye con la apertura de 20 aulas de Infantil y el refuerzo de la FP KOME, alimento 100% natural para tu mascota

In the configuration of the next year one of the most important bets will continue to be the FP, which continues to register a high demand for the important level of labor insertion that it achieves.For this reason, 29 new cycles will be offered, four of the average, 14 higher degree, two of basic FP, three specific FPBásica (aimed at students with special educational needs) and four specialization courses (which become equivalentIn FP to university masters).

More than 60% of the offer is associated with professional families linked to emerging employment sectors such as international trade, internal work, decoration and rehabilitation, maintenance and safety in hybrid and electronic vehicle systems, industrial automation and robotics, trade and marketing and marketing IT and Telecoms.

Similarly, industry 4 related specialization courses are created.0, such as Big Data, artificial intelligence, sustainable development, intelligent industry, robotics or 3D to cover the deficit of specialists in the Information Technology sector, which has a high employability.

It should be noted that for the first time the basic FP title of access and conservation of sports facilities is offered in Andalusia, which is implanted as a specific program in the IES Europe, of Arahal.