Security should not involve the cost of user experience

The two groups must work together to protect the organization's information.However, they must be careful since both groups share a common weakness: both tend to apply so many controls in information systems that people within the organization cannot do their job.Security professionals and information professionals must work with the company to guarantee the safety of the systems, without hindering the user experience.

After all, a sure system that nobody uses is a security vulnerability when people overlook it to do their job.

Make the connection

La seguridad no debería implicar el coste de la experiencia del usuario

Security and information professionals have common objectives.Although they focus on different threats and use different methodologies, both protect the information assets of an organization.However, like the security guards and records of records of the file room of the past, its final objective is to ensure that the organization can find and use information assets when necessary.

Then, present your counterparts in the other team.Find that common land.Help each other to identify the information you need protection and the threats against which you need to defend that information.

The successful management of the evolution security environment requires that all groups of an organization join.Computer pirates may not be a threat to the information government, but they are threats to the organization that information government professionals can help win.

Discover innovation

To ensure business success, now and in the future, it is essential to maximize the return of existing investment in software, while innovating and adopting new technologies.The challenges that are boarding to compete in a world of hybrid you include devotees, safety, risk management and predictive analysis.You can get more information on how to address these challenges and innovate in this link.