Are you an intuitive person?Find it with this test

Do you consider yourself an intuitive person?Are you able to anticipate the facts or make predictions without having developed prior reasoning? Sometimes, do those anticipations manifest with physical symptoms such as, for example, a tingling, palpitations, blush or sweating? It is likely that you are a personintuitive if you have been able to predict events without knowing, exactly, how you have come to that conclusion, you simply knew.

As Pilar Conde explains, of the origin clinics, "an intuitive person is a person with a good ability to observe, emotional understanding, analysis, to create connections that give explanation to what is happening.People who have the ability to visualize the different outcome options and value probability based on learning that has been doing "do you recognize yourself? If you want to be sure if you are, answer the questions we ask you in this test.

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Personality test to find out if you are an intuitive person

What is intuition?

As we said, intuition is that capacity that some people have to anticipate the future without scientific thinking, that is, without logical reasons that justify it.The psychologist Javier de las Heras, co -author of the 'Practical Psychology' manual speaks of it as an "experimental memory, that is, a series of data as a result of the experiences lived in such a way that by association of relations between circumstances,features, etc. and subsequent consequences, we can elaborate expectations that are often met ".

¿Eres una persona intuitiva? Averígualo con este test

Psychiatrist Enrique Rojas adds that intuition is "that ability to capture reality in its complexity and connections".It usually occurs in people endowed with a high intelligence ratio and who have the ability to deepen reality, people with a lotand realistic and more emotional.

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Aspects in which you can be more intuitive

Intuition can be an ally in many aspects of our life.For example, in love, friendship or work.In personal relationships, being an intuitive person can help you detect signals that can make you suspect that something is not going well, without falling, of course, in obsession.It can also help you redirect a relationship with co -workers or friends or even help you make decisions with customers.

At work it can also be a great ally.Although, in these cases, it is best that you have done a previous job.Since intuition sometimes can betray you.Rojas explains that there is a type of coffee or lounge intuition.It occurs in those people who, precipitously, say they know something without having deepened enough.

In addition, we must not forget that there are other highly reactive people, very susceptible and that they internalize reality in an exaggerated way.In them, their thinking can go beyond reality and can set up a drama of a simple misunderstanding.They take for good false intuitions and act in a distrustful and negative way fulfilling their initial judgment even if it is wrong.

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How to develop your intuition on a day -to -day basis?

Although for many people intuition is an innate capacity, the vast majority of us can cultivate it.Take note of these tips.

In addition, Pilar Conde concludes recommending these tips to develop our ability to intuition:

  1. Practicar la escucha activa. Hay que entender por qué las personas de nuestra alrededor hacen lo que hacen, saber sis motivaciones, sus valores, nos permite poner intuir cómo actuaran.
  2. Practicar la visualización de diferentes opciones y valorar cada una de ellas basándose en el criterio de la otra persona, situaciones, desligándolo de los propios.
  3. Aprender a confiar en la interpretación intuitiva que se hace y tolerar la incertidumbre de haber acertado o no

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