Condemned: she is a former Esquel official and charged to deliver trout driving licenses - eqsnotas

Laura Daniela Carrasco was sentenced to the penalty of two years in conditional execution imprison.This is the woman who charged to license licenses to lead people who did not carry out the relevant procedures.

The events took place in Esquel between April 2018 and February 2019.

In some cases, they facilitated the delivery of driving licenses that people were going to process the municipal office.In other cases, others enabled the professional license without further processing.All against delivery of money.

On February 24, the first investigation opening was made where several events regarding the delivery of driving licenses without the legal requirements were charged to Laura Carrasco.Carrasco was the municipal official responsible for the area.

In the same file an individual appears that he obtained irregularly the driver's license.According to the imputation of the Prosecutor's Office, he obtained it without paying exam, in exchange for a payment of $ 500 to a municipal official, his friend.Later I would use that contact to facilitate it to acquaintances who obtained the same benefit paying somewhat higher figures.

Condenada: es ex funcionaria de Esquel y cobraba para entregar licencias de conducir truchas - EQSnotas

The investigation developed realized that there were charges between 500 and 4000 pesos and at least 30 people would have been part of the situation.The Prosecutor's Office contributed these testimonies to sustain the imputation to the municipal official for bribery.

La sentencia

The former Carrasco official must set residence from which it cannot be absent without warning, submit to the monthly control of the Liberated Board, carry out studies and practices that contribute to their job training, donate food for the 7714 school of Esquel for five thousand pesos andpay the process costs.

The man accused of receiving a trout license and facilitating other people contact with Carrasco to irregularly obtaining licenses, obtained a suspension of trial trial for the term of two years.

You must reside at the informed address, you may not modify it without prior judicial authorization, not commit new crimes, present each month in the judicial office, carry out forty hours of community work at the Badén neighborhood school, provide five thousand pesos for repair to repair toThe neighborhood board of the Bella Vista neighborhood.

Prosecutor Fidel González, accompanied by the legal representative of the Municipality of Esquel, listed when raising the abbreviated trial agreement, the amount of facts with respect to which evidence was obtained that the accused, in exchange for money, facilitated driving licensesTo people who did not carry out the relevant procedures, did not carry out the theoretical course, nor the conductive suitability examination.