Do you know how you can cultivate and increase your self-esteem?

You have to start by loving yourself more. Have more self love. And the first thing we have to be clear about is what we mean when we talk about self-love. "Love refers to self-care for ourselves, it has to do with respecting our scale of values, our principles and, ultimately, the self-acceptance of our own being," says clinical psychologist Pilar Guerra Escudero, who points out that we begin to cultivate it from birth, being essential that we have been lucky enough to have been born in a functional family environment. “An acknowledgment by our parents is essential for our self-esteem, a context that encompasses the concept of self-esteem. Therefore, it is one more learning, perhaps the most important, which serves as the basis for all the others”, she details. We asked her what the keys to cultivating it are, and she summarizes them for us below.

Also read: What symptoms reveal low self-esteem?

¿Sabes cómo puedes cultivar y aumentar tu amor propio?