Drink coffee and eat black chocolate: why can't we resist


Reason seems to be in a genetic variant

Black coffee lovers also prefer black chocolate and explanation is in genes.These people associate the bitter taste with the increase in mental acuity they expect.The same goes for the bitter taste of chocolate, which is also associated with an increase in the mental alert state.

It is the conclusion of a new Northwestern Medicine study, published in Scientific Reports.Northwest scientists have discovered that coffee drinkers who have a genetic variant that reflects a faster caffeine metabolism prefer bitter coffee.

And the same genetic variant is found in people who prefer the most bitter black chocolate to softer milk chocolate.The reason is not because they like the taste, but rather because they associate the bitter taste with the impulse in the state of mental alert waiting for caffeine.

Genetic variants and metabolism

"That is interesting because these genetic variants are related to a faster metabolism of caffeine and are not related to taste," explains the main author of the study and associated teacher of preventive medicine in nutrition, Marilyn Cornelis.

Beber café y comer chocolate negro: por qué no podemos resistirnos

“These people metabolize caffeine faster, so the stimulating effects also disappear faster.So they need to drink more.Our interpretation is that these people equate the natural bitterness of caffeine with a psychostimulation effect, "follows the researcher.

Cornelis explains that these people “learn to associate bitterness with caffeine and impulse they feel.We are seeing a learned effect.When they think of caffeine, they think of a bitter taste, so they enjoy black coffee and, in the same way, black chocolate ".

Cardiovascular effects or diabetes

The researcher points out that it has been shown that the consumption of coffee and bitter chocolate reduces the risk of certain diseases.Specifically, he says that moderate coffee reduces Parkinson's disease risk, cardiovascular diseases, type 2 diabetes and various types of cancer.

In the case of black chocolate it seems to reduce the risk of heart disease.In the opinion of researchers, currently, when scientists study the health benefits of coffee and bitter chocolate, they should be based on epidemiological studies, which only confer an association with health benefits instead of a stronger causal link.

Valid markers for new studies

Cornelis's new research shows that these genetic variants can be used with greater precision to study the relationship between coffee and health benefits.Previously, scientists used genetic markers for coffee drinkers in general.The new findings suggest that they are stronger markers for particular types of coffee drinkers: black coffee drinkers.This impacts the interpretation of these genetic studies of coffee and health.

The study used genetic, dietary and food preferences available from the United Kingdom biobanco and two United States cohorts.The health study of nurses and the study of health professionals.

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