Drought threatens to leave 10,000 people without water in the rural area of Illapel

Product of water shortage, the wells that supply the rural drinking waters (APRS) of the commune have dried or experienced a drastic decrease in their levels.As an emergency measure, the Municipality is supporting aljibes trucks to the most critical sectors of the Illapelino field, where there is no water for human consumption.

In a massive meeting, residents of the towns of Las Cañas 1 and 2, Canelillo, Choapa and Cañas Sur, were informed by the mayor of Illapel, Denis Cortés Aguilera, of a reality that impacts.The APR of reeds 1, the largest of Illapel, which supplies water at 500 home starts, and through them it supplies approximately 2.000 people, is at critical moments.The well that feeds it is running out.A few years ago 9 liters per second, today only delivers 2.This has meant that almost half of the people who depend on this Apr today do not have water.The situation is repeated in other rural sectors of Illapel, such as Peralillo Crystals, Balcony and Carén Alto.According to data from the water office of the Municipality of Illapel, of the 34 rural drinking waters of the commune, it is projected that at the end of February 26 they could run out of water to deliver to the communities that depend on them.In simple words, the drought that plagues the capital of the province of Choapa for more than a decade threatens to leave without water at 10.000 people from the rural area.This panorama worries the mayor of Illapel.

“It is a dramatic situation (…) today the municipalities have the most urgent, which is the emergency.I know that aljibes trucks are not the solution, but if there is no water, what do I have to do, get with the Aljibe truck.(…) We are working, the moment we have to live is not easy, but we trust that coordinated among all the actors involved we will find solutions, which are emergency, ”said the Illapelino community chief.

Sequía amenaza con dejar sin agua a 10 mil personas en zona rural de Illapel

He explained that today 7 APRs are supported by the municipality through water delivery, twice a week, by tank trucks.They are already 4.896 people from the Rural Sector of Illapel who do not have the vital element available, and the figure continues to increase.

The problem in Illapel is that water is more and more scarce and resources are not enough to face the magnitude of the problem.For example, if the APR of the reeds 1 dries completely, 20 daily trucks would be needed to deliver water to the families that depend on it, not counting the health, school, commercial establishments and kindergarten."The municipality does not have that capacity," said Cortés Aguilera.

Due to the above, during a tour carried out by the mayor together with APR leaders, the Choapa River surveillance board and irrigation representatives, it was agreed to develop a job and acquire the inputs that allow water to pump from outcropFlow, to lead it to the APR well of the reeds 1.

"There are background issues here.The neighbors said what about the great agricultural, with the great mining, with the inspections of the wells, with the state that does not deepen wells.There is a stick that undoubted.

The community in the face of the water crisis

"The data we manage in terms of water availability is that within the last 60 years, this is the worst scenario".(Diego Alfaro, Manager of the Choapa River Surveillance Board).

“The water code is very clear and says that if the water reaches a national good for public use, such as a river or lake, a third party cannot intervene it.That water should get directly to the wells ".(Luis Apablaza).

"We must organize as a community and empower ourselves, in addition to knowing what our real situation is (...) one thing is that previously there have been permits for wells, but now, in the face of this situation, that it continues to happen is not possible".(María de los Ángeles Fernández).

The State, through the DOH, makes a well of 22 meters, while the private ones do 75 -meter wells (...) here there are serious problems, because the State has left abandoned to rural drinking waters ”.(Denis Cortés Vargas, president of the Buzeta Canal)

"I think this is the tip of the iceberg.This comes from a long time ago and we are just being aware as neighbors and community of what is beginning to happen with drought ”.(Alexis Donoso).

"It's not that there is no water.Water is, but they are being used in large plantations.We are a Petorca 2.I have the faith that with the authorities, and working more coordinated, we will get the water to the APS that is the priority in this minute ”.(Marta Pereira, president of the Illapel Communal Union)