Is it safe to take aloe vera to treat constipation?

Aloe vera or aloe vera is one of the aloe species that grows in tropical climates, in sandy and arid lands and has been cultivated for many years for medicinal purposes. Thus, it is one of the most used plants to treat different conditions both externally and internally. Its benefits are widely known, but especially at the level of the skin and hair. However, it also has laxative properties that can help you have a natural bowel movement.

Can aloe vera be used to prevent constipation?

Diet, drinking little water, lack of exercise, resisting the urge to go to the bathroom or stress are some of the main causes of constipation, a problem that must be treated before it can get worse and with which to be alarmed and go immediately See your doctor if you have bloating, stomach pain, nausea or vomiting, or blood in your stool.

Aloe vera is a remedy used to combat constipation. Aloe vera latex, a yellowish substance found just below the bark of this plant, contains aloin, a molecule with a laxative effect that is taken orally. However, this part of aloe vera that favors intestinal function can bring great risks if not taken properly.

It is important to point out that it is not indicated for children under 12 years of age, pregnant women, people with chronic intestinal disorders or diabetics, and its use must always be prescribed by a doctor. Thus, the Organization of Consumers and Users (OCU) warns that, consumed in excess, aloe vera could be harmful to health. Aloin is related to an improvement in intestinal function and has a laxative effect, but this same substance, in high doses, could be toxic. However, much remains to be done to establish a safe daily intake in humans.

In fact, in order to make statements about the beneficial properties of a food, these must be scientifically proven, and the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) is the one in charge of verifying it. Thus, this body analyzed the beneficial effect on intestinal function of hydroxyanthracene derivatives (HADs), various compounds found in plants such as aloe, and their function as laxatives and their authorization as a medicine against constipation were recognized.

Even so, the EFSA includes aloe among the botanical substances with compounds that can cause adverse effects if they are used in food or supplements and, in addition, for the International Agency for Research on Cancer, the extract of aloe obtained from the whole leaf is ' possibly carcinogenic to humans'.

In this way, to avoid constipation, the ideal is, first of all, to drink at least between 1.5 and 2 liters of water daily, as indicated by the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, it is very important to exercise regularly, eat foods with fiber, never resist the urge to go to the bathroom and take prebiotics and probiotics.

Other benefits of aloe vera

• Moisturizing: 99% of its composition is water and it contains mucopolysaccharides that retain moisture in the skin. Thanks to its easy penetration, it regulates the pH and makes the skin soft and hydrated. And, best of all, it moisturizes without being greasy, so people with oily skin will be able to use this product without any problem.

• Antioxidant and soothing: helps neutralize free radicals, which are the main cause, among other damage, of premature skin aging. It is also well known for its ability to soothe and relieve burns.

• Healing: thanks to the enzyme lignin, it penetrates the skin to the deepest layers, making it especially useful for regenerating tissues and, therefore, helps to heal more quickly.

• Anti-inflammatory: One of the most important properties of aloe vera is its anti-inflammatory power, making it a great remedy for many conditions, including irritations, skin allergies and insect bites. It contains magnesium lactate that reduces the production of histamine, one of the substances that causes itchy skin, making it ideal for dry, flaky skin and skin with problems such as psoriasis.

• Antibacterial and antiseptic: this makes it a great ally against acne. It eliminates the bacteria that accumulate on the skin and in the pores, which cause pimples to appear, and removes the infection.

• Effective to protect hair: aloe vera is, without a doubt, one of the most effective natural products to care for hair, it repairs damage and provides strength and shine, as well as helping to solve problems of itchy scalp and hair loss. greasy hair.

This information does not replace in any case the diagnosis or prescription by a doctor. It is important to go to a specialist when symptoms appear in case of illness and never self-medicate. Read also

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