How to block a person on Facebook and how to unlock it

  1. Redes sociales

How to block a person on Facebook, how to unlock her and how to get her out of your friends list

Facebook gives you the possibility of interacting with a lot of people, although you are not forced to do so, or accept the friendship of anyone who asks for it, much less suffer from the comments of someone you do not know, or that you included among yourcontacts without knowing very well why.In this social network nothing is irreversible, and knowing how to block a person on Facebook, how to unlock it and how to eliminate it from your friends list is always useful.There are concepts that seem to be similar, but they are not.For example, if you eliminate someone from you list of friendships, you can still "know" that person for publications of friends in common, for example, case that will also be given in reverse.You can still send you messages, and you answer.But different is when you block a person.When you do, you disappear your life on Facebook, and he of yours, and you can't see or know each other, even when friends in common mention them and even label.Come on, then, to explain how to block a person on Facebook - or how to eliminate someone from your friends list - and how to unlock it.

How to remove someone from your friends list

Sometimes you accept the friendship requests of people who do not know so well, or that years ago they had some kind of relationship that time was in charge of moving away.The reasons can be many, and this is how you can remove or eliminate someone from your list of friends:

  1. Dirígete al perfil de esa persona.
  2. Pon el cursor sobre la pestaña de Amigos que aparece al lado de su nombre –en caso de que estés en una computadora– o toca el círculo de Amigos que está bajo su nombre –si estás en la aplicación de smartphone. En ambos casos, se abrirá una pequeña ventana.
  3. Clica o toca en Eliminar de mis amigos.

The "eliminated" person from your friendship list will not receive any notification in this regard, and will not realize that you have eliminated it, unless you look specifically in your friendship list.

If the person you want to get from your list has deactivated your Facebook account, you will have to go to your profile, click or play in friends and search your name to remove it.

Cómo bloquear a una persona en Facebook y cómo desbloquearla

If you eliminate someone from your list, you will also delete yourself from your friends list.If for any reason you want to be a friend of that person again, you must add again as a friend, sending him a friend request.

Give yourself a break from him/her

Sometimes we have friends that we estimate, or contacts that we simply want to maintain ... but do not stop publishing and publishing photos and comments at every moment, and they are about to fill our patience.For these cases, for some time now the Facebook telephone application gives you the option of "giving you a vacation" of that person.The procedure is the same as points 1 and 2 above, but instead of deleting, you must touch the option take a break.Facebook will ask you if you want to see or know that person only if you visit your profile.If you accept, you will stop seeing your publications in your news section, even when another person label it.Nor will you receive requests to send you messages or label it in photos.For this person you will continue to exist is Facebook, and when you want it will appear again in your news section.You will have for this to go to your profile, touch the circle of friends that is under your photo and then play the option to see it again anywhere on Facebook.

Now, if you don't want someone to see your profile, or to add as a friend or send you a message, you will have to block it.

How to block (and unlock) to someone

If there is someone who does not want to see or in painting, and do not want that person to know anything about you, who cannot send you messages, or label you, not even find yourself on Facebook, you will have before blocking it.

It doesn't matter whether or not that person is your friend on Facebook.This is the option indicated in the event that someone is bothering you, you suffer harassment or insults.

In a computer

  1. Haz clic en la flecha que está en la parte superior derecha y elige Configuración.
  2. En la columna de opciones que aparecen al lado izquierdo, elige Bloqueos. Aparecerán una serie de opciones de bloqueos, desde una lista de personas con acceso restringido hasta bloqueos de mensajes, invitaciones a aplicaciones, etc.
  3. En la ventana de Bloquear Usuarios, escribe el nombre de la persona y clica Bloquear. Aparecerá una ventana emergente con el nombre que antes has escrito junto con otras personas de nombre similar. Elige a la persona y clica otra vez Bloquear.
  4. Una nueva ventana emergente aparecerá para infórmate las cosas que esta persona ya non podrá hacer: ver lo que publicas en tu biografía; etiquetarte; invitarte a eventos o grupos; conversar, o añadirte como amigo. En rigor, desaparecerás de su vida, y ésta de la tuya… al menos, en Facebook. Confirma abajo que la quieres bloquear.

This person will not receive any information about this procedure.If you can't find it this way, you can also go to your profile, play the three points (...) that are on the right (next to message) and block it from there.

In the phone app

  1. Toca las tres líneas horizontales (“hamburguesa”) que puede estar en la parte superior o inferior derecha, dependiendo del sistema operativo de tu teléfono.
  2. Toca el engranaje de Configuración y privacidad, y después toca la figura humana en Configuración.
  3. Baja hasta la sección de Privacidad, y toca Bloqueos.
  4. Toca + Agregar a la lista de bloqueados. Escribe el nombre o correo electrónico de la persona que quieres bloquear. A medida que escribes su nombre, irán apareciendo personas y/o páginas con nombres similares, hasta que finalmente aparezca la persona en cuestión. Toca Bloquear.
  5. Una ventana emergente te preguntará si realmente quieres bloquear a esta persona, y te dirá las cosas que ya no podrá hacer en Facebook. Si estás seguro, toca una vez más Bloquear.

To unlock someone you have blocked before, the procedure is similar: you have to bequeathed to the block menu - for computer or smart phone app - and you will find the name of the blocked person, along with the option to unlock next to you.Touch or click there, if you want that person to contact you again, label and write to you on Facebook.

Important: Unlocking will not make this person become part of your friends.In fact, if the person who unlocks was on your list of friends at the time of block.

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