How to send a message to multiple WhatsApp contacts without creating a group


Conversation groups are becoming more and more common on WhatsApp, although most of them end up becoming repositories of unfunny videos and sweetened images. Hence, more and more people shy away from these virtual groups, silencing them in perpetuity or directly abandoning them as soon as they are added by the administrator on duty.

There are times, however, when we need to send the same message to several people: to remind them of an appointment or to notify them that we will be unavailable for a certain period of time, for example. For these specific cases, in which creating a group doesn't make much sense, WhatsApp has a feature that not everyone knows about: broadcast lists. Let's see how they are used.


We open WhatsApp and access the 'Broadcast lists' option:

Cómo enviar un mensaje a varios contactos de WhatsApp sin crear un grupo

■ 'Chats' > Menu button > Broadcast list on Android

■ 'Chats' > 'Broadcast lists' (at the top of the screen) if we have an iPhone


We press 'New list' on iPhone (the '+' button on Android) and, in the resulting list, we select all the contacts to whom we want to send the same message.


Click 'Ok' or 'Create', when the broadcast list will have been created.


The created broadcast lists will be accessible from the 'Chats' section. It will be enough to click on any one and type and its members will receive the message as individual conversation windows. Your answers will also reach us in this way, so at no time will a member of the list be able to see what the others have answered. That is, they will not be able to interact with each other.


As a last note, WhatsApp warns that only the contacts that have our phone number in their contact book will receive our broadcast messages.

Broadcast lists can be renamed, edited (by clicking on the list name and then selecting 'Edit List...') or deleted at any time.

