The story of Buddy, the dog whose head got stuck in a small hole in a wall in Arizona

Stories that surprise today. Now it is about a dog in the United States who experienced moments of tension when his head got stuck in the small hole in a wall in Arizona. It is about Buddy , a two-year-old pit bull terrier from the North American country who did not measure the danger when trying to pass through that area when he was playing. His mischief could have cost him dearly more with the fright of his relatives.

Given this, the Arizona Animal Shelter had to carefully chisel the wall around his head until they could free him. The rescue demanded a lot of time from the specialists, to the point that it took days to recover Buddy when he was released.

However, he came out free and healthy so that he could meet his family. This story happened a few weeks ago this year that has now gone viral on social networks. The news generated more impact when it was learned that the animal was 16 kilometers from his house when the incident occurred south of Broadway Road (United States). His head was on the cinder block wall in Phoenix.

It was at that moment where Arizona Humane Services (AHS) were quick to help him. The rescue work was carried out by animal medical technicians Gracie Watts and Rob Grabowski. The fact was uploaded on January 13 in the organization's official Facebook account, which generated emotions in various users that went viral.


La historia de Buddy, el perro cuya cabeza quedó atascada en un pequeño hueco de una pared en Arizona

Buddy was not having a good time while he was on the wall of the place, because several minutes had passed since he got stuck and he seemed very scared . The specialists had to chisel the wall very carefully around his head until they could free him.

When they took him out they noticed that he had some swelling, with cuts in that area and his neck that still scared him from being stuck. The video of the rescue made it possible to see that despite the complexity of the situation, the dog was confident that his rescuers knew what they were doing.

Buddy was initially thought to be a stray, and he was taken to the vet to have his injuries treated. With the passing of Within days he was able to recover 100% and the members of the AHS discovered that he did have family in Glendale and that his accident had occurred 16 kilometers from his home. The pit bull terrier was reunited with his humans and returned home.


Researchers at Dalhousie University in Canada found that the average dog seems to know about 89 words and phrases. However, very intelligent dogs can respond to more than 200 terms expressed by their caregivers.

"Our goal was to develop a comprehensive inventory of human-reported words that they believe their dogs respond to differently and consistently," said Catherine Reeve and Sophie Jacques in research published in the journal Applied Animal Behavior Science.

The study found that common cues are among the most likely words a dog will recognize. These include: “sit down”, “come on”, “down”, “stay”, “wait”, “no”, “it's ok” and “leave it” . However, the researchers note that dogs most often respond to their own names.

"With further research, our tool could become an efficient, effective, and inexpensive research tool to map some of the competencies of dogs and perhaps help predict early the potential of individual dogs for various professions," Reeve concluded.


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