Novo Nordisk launches in Spain the first oral LPG-1 analogue for early comprehensive management of type 2 diabetes

Madrid, Jan 18.(Press Europa) -

Novo Nordisk has launched in Spain 'Rybelsus'..

This therapeutic innovation combines, in a tablet that is administered once a day, the efficacy and safety of an arglp-1 having proven to be an effective treatment both in the reduction of glycosylated hemoglobin (HBA1C) and under weight with low risk ofHypoglycemia, main difficulties to face every day people with type 2 diabetes.

Indicated for the treatment of adults with type 2 diabetes that have not been properly controlled to improve glycemic control, as a complement to diet and exercise, "it would also be an excellent option for people with diabetes, either in treatment with metformin or withAny other oral drug, which need a weight reduction or descends the risk of suffering a cardiovascular episode, "as a press conference Dr. Esteban Jódar, head of the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition of Hospitals Quirón Health Pozuelo, RuberJuan Bravo and San José (Madrid).

In addition, this expert has explained that "patients who have insufficient control can be benefited and that they are already treated with metformin and DPP-4 inhibitors" "."So oral semaglutid could replace the DPP-4 inhibitor and provide an additional benefit," he added.

The general director of Novo Nordisk in Spain, Rodrigo Gribble, stressed that "oral semaglutida can be established as a new reference in the treatment of type 2 diabetes"."Its solid clinical profile provides a very necessary therapeutic option for people looking for a new and effective solution to control their disease.This drug is called to have a great impact on the life of the Spaniards with type 2 diabetes and so we hope it is, "he insisted.

In our country it is estimated that diabetes affects more than 6 million people, most of them with type 2 diabetes and other serious associated pathologies such as obesity or cardiovascular disease.Therefore, the early and multifactorial treatment of hyperglycemia and cardiovascular risk is especially important, thus delaying the appearance of chronic complications and improving the quality of life of people with diabetes.

Oral Semaglutid Studies

In the 'pioneer' program of clinical trials, which included 9.543 adults with type 2 diabetes, people treated with oral semaglutid.

Novo Nordisk lanza en España el primer análogo de GLP-1 oral para manejo integral temprano de diabetes tipo 2

So, "oral semaglutida, in addition to being a new and unique arglp-1 option to treat diabetes without injections, it could represent a new standard for the treatment of type 2 diabetes," said Novo Navo Nordisk Spain medical director,Francisco Pajuelo.

In this sense, he pointed out that "there are many people with type 2 diabetes that do not reach blood sugar objectives accompanied by weight loss with low risk of hypoglycemia, which shows the need to provide new more effective solutions forImprove diabetes control "."And this is our commitment, to improve the health and quality of life of the people who live with it," he added.

Favors early treatment

Diabetes can cause problems such as blindness, renal pathology or cardiovascular diseases.Taking this into account, starting an adequate treatment as soon as possible allows the natural course of the disease to change and avoid serious complications.

"Type 2 diabetes is a chronic disease that can go unnoticed for years.Therefore, an early diagnosis and good control in the first years will produce a beneficial metabolic memory to delay the appearance of complications and reduce morbidity and mortality, "Dr. Sara Artola, primary care doctor at the José Marvá Marvá Health Center. from Madrid.

Both Dr. Jódar and Dr. Artola have agreed on the importance of, once diabetes is diagnosed, do not postpone the intensification of the treatment for later.In this sense, Dr. Artola has commented that "having a therapeutic option such as oral semaglutid.This improves the prognosis and progression of these processes ".

According to this expert, "up to 23 percent of people with diabetes have established cardiovascular disease, almost another 30 percent have some degree of chronic renal disease, they have registered up to 9 percent heart failure and 45 percent have diabetesand obesity ".

With these figures, as Dr. Jódar comments, it is expected that "this new drug, the unique of oral administration of its therapeutic class, helps treat more patients in earlier stages to achieve that triple benefit (decrease in HBA1C, weight and safetycardiovascular)".

To this, it is necessary that, as Dr. Artola highlights, "the aging of the population and the climbing of obesity are making the number of people with type 2 diabetes increase exponentially"."Then we have a lot of work and these innovations help us greatly," he said.

In general, both experts have assured that patients usually prefer oral treatments against injectables."However, until now, oral medications available to treat type 2 diabetes are not as powerful as some of the injectable drugs.And this is the need that helps us to cover oral semaglutida, a first -order technical advance when formulating with SNAC, an absorption enhancer that allows to orally manage a peptide, "said Dr. Jódar.

In this regard, Dr. Artola has found that it is always easier to take an oral medication than any injected medication."Having to put an injection requires learning or technique errors can occur, although much progress has also been made in the administration devices.While, oral semaglutid.

In short, the two experts have affirmed that it is important to look for treatment alternatives adapted to the life of each patient so that an effective diabetes control that improves their quality of life.

In this sense, they have pointed out that "the therapeutic arsenal to treat diabetes has grown significantly and, especially, for people with type 2 diabetes, we have very good options"."Knowing that there are drugs, such as oral semagglutid.