These are the contraindications of consuming kefir

Kefir is a fermented milk drink that has been consumed for thousands of years in Caucasian countries. The population there believes that this food is responsible for the great longevity of its people, which is why it has been preserved from generation to generation as an elixir of life.

Thus, since ancient times it is believed that kefir has exceptional properties.

This fermented milk drink, which looks very similar to yogurt, has probiotic qualities that facilitate digestion, lower cholesterol and improve the health of the intestinal flora.

The great benefit of kefir is its probiotic effect, which is why it provides us with microorganisms with beneficial properties for our intestinal flora, which promote the protection of the intestine and strengthen our immune system.

Specifically, research from the Federal University of Viçosa (Brazil) supports the regular consumption of kefir because it facilitates better digestion and tolerance to lactose, has an antibacterial effect, controls plasma glucose and has an antihypertensive effect.

Adverse effects of kefir

Estas son las contraindicaciones de consumir kéfir

Despite the fact that kefir is one of the many probiotic foods most recommended for its properties and for the effects it can have on health, AXA Health Keeper warns that it can also have side effects.

Thus, although it is true that the benefits are greater than the risks, it is important to emphasize in which cases taking kefir is over-indicated. In this way, we can avoid having any reaction that could put our health at risk.

Kefir is a product that is usually prepared at home, therefore, it is easy that, if it is not prepared in the correct way, it can have harmful effects. In addition, the kefirs prepared at home are much more concentrated than those that are purchased commercially.

Here are some of the problems that drinking this fermented milk can cause:

Who can not consume kefir?

In addition, despite its multiple health benefits, there are people in whom it is contraindicated to eat kefir. From AXA Health Keeper they indicate that it is not recommended for those who suffer from:

As we have seen, kefir has many benefits, but it will only have positive effects if our diet is healthy. In this way, it is important to ensure that the diet is balanced with natural, fresh and quality vegetables.

Also, like any food, kefir can have adverse effects on the body if we abuse its consumption. Therefore, it is advisable to consult a doctor or nutritionist to find out what is the correct amount of this fermented milk to ingest in each case.

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