Tikitakas Is flirting synonymous with being unfaithful?An expert responds

The Dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy defines flirting as "flirting or manifesting love or sexual interest in someone, without the intention of committing".But is a flirting way to deceive your partner?

The expert counselor in couple relationships Denise Knowles has the answer and that is, although this is a debate that is maintained over the years, Knowles says that the solution is easy if it is addressed correctly.

According to whom you ask will tell you that lengthening a more time than necessary, crossing fulfilled in the photographs of social networks or that your eyes are going behind someone is to flirt, and there will be those who think that it is just an innocent fun.

The truth is that, according to Google Trends, this is one of the issues that most disturb Internet users in recent years and the debate extends to social networks where opinions are very disparate.

The expert's opinion

Denise Knowles says that flirting is not deceiving: "I would never say that flirting is directly deceiving" and precise, "it is only when it begins to harm or the intention to harm, or when you are hiding it, that a betrayal is being committed and can be committed and canbe hurtful, "he declared for The Independent.

Tikitakas ¿Flirtear es sinónimo de ser infiel? Una experta responde

According to the expert, both parties must be clear about the rules of the game: "If you are having a conversation and nonsense with someone, and both parties are understood that it is just a little harmless fun, you can enjoy it".

In the event that only one is having fun, the conclusions would be others: "When you are flirting and the other person is not aware of the limits or your partner is unhappy with it, and you continue, it can be very very harmful".

Knowles sees this behavior even as something that, sometimes, can become positive: "This flirting can be perceived as a healthy symptom that is a relationship.And, while flirting is increasing.

The norm that defines the type of healthy flirting is quite clear according to the words of the expert in relationships: "If you try to hide something is a symptom that there is an element of betrayal" argues.

In the event that someone feels injured by their partner's flirts with another person, he must face the situation calmly:

"Someone worried or annoying about the apparent attitude of flirting their partner should not accuse him, rather to address the situation with 'curiosity' since he may not intend to be hurtful with his actions," says Knowles.

If our partner is nonsense with another person we must ask if something else is happening and if it is for lack of communication in the couple.“What are you not able to talk to your partner to have ended up looking at his mobile hiding place?" The expert is questioned.

There is a point where flirting with third parties can become a problem and it is important to speak it to be able to solve it."If you are uncomfortable with something in a relationship, or you suspect things, you need to talk about it," Knowles concludes.