WhatsApp trick: so you can listen to received audio without them knowing WhatsApp trick: so you can listen to received audio without them knowing

There may be situations in which you need to listen to audios that are sent to you by WhatsApp and for whatever reason you do not want the person to know that you have heard it. Don't worry: we have several ways to solve it.

Forward the audio to another person or to yourself in a group where you are alone

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You can copy the audio in question that you want to listen to without the other person knowing and forward it to someone you trust. This way the audio is forwarded as a non-chat file, so you won't be notified of listening. If you don't want to send it to anyone, you can create a group with someone and then delete them to be alone, or take advantage of an old group that no one is in anymore.

So you can do it as many times as you want without having another person. In fact, many people have a group for themselves and use it to send voice notes to themselves, the shopping list, photos to transfer from mobile to computer, etc.

REMEMBER: After listening to the audio on your own, play it back in the original chat so that the microphone turns blue and the other person knows that we have already heard it. Otherwise, it may be that we answer him about something he has told us in the audio and the person wonders how that happened if apparently we have not heard it.

Use Telegram

Another Telegram function that comes to WhatsApp: the audios can be played at a higher speed

The other method is to forward the message to Telegram. Since the latest versions, the application supports the OPUS format used by WhatsApp, so we can play the file without any problem.

The advantage of Telegram is that the messages are stored in a private cloud, so in addition to playing voice messages on WhatsApp without the other person knowing, they will be saved for an unlimited time.

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