A total of 320 homeless people have been registered in Palma since 2017

Thus, according to the figures provided by the Social Welfare area, if in 2017 there were only 25 homeless people who registered, a year later there were 31. Last year the figure shot up to 135 new registrations and this year, until October , there are already 129. From Cort it is stated that if an extrapolation is made taking last year as a reference, it is estimated that in 2020 the figure of 155 registrations by indigents may be exceeded.

Most of these people who are on the street are registered, because the City Council allows it, at addresses corresponding to municipal buildings in which social services are provided. Above all, up to 308 cases are registered in the Avingudes building, where the central offices of the Social Welfare area are located. Other people did it at the address of one of the ten Social Services centers of the Consistory, because in this way it is more practical for them if they live near one of these centers, for the schooling of children, if there are any, or to be able to Go to the doctor.

The possibility of registration for homeless people or those living in sub-standard housing, such as shacks, became a reality in January 2017. The government team of the last legislature understood the situation of 'limbo' in which many citizens remained until then due to not being registered. In the opinion of the mayor of Palma at the time, José Hila, "there can be no first-class and second-class citizens or invisible citizens." The Pacte defended that registering homeless people is a "human rights issue, since Cort's means for a more dignified life are placed within their reach."

basic requirement

The registration is a basic requirement to assist citizens who ask for help in the centers of Social Services. Only in this way can these people access the City Council's catalog of benefits, such as municipal reception, basic aid, training, etc., as well as health services.

For this reason, Benestar Social decided to work with the Public Function and the Interior Government to facilitate registration for all citizens, whatever their reality. In this sense, the City Council ensures that "the help of the NGOs Metges del Món, Creu Roja and Càrites, which locate and identify homeless people living in Palma, is decisive."

These entities serve people who live on the streets permanently, but also those who do so temporarily or intermittently.

The IMAS registers about 200 homeless people in Ciutat

The IMAS had detected up to 208 homeless people on the streets of Mallorca, 198 of them in Palma and the rest in Alcúdia (9) and Inca (1), according to the last official count made in March last year. From the Institut Mallorquí d Afers Socials (IMAS) it is explained that the count is carried out every two years, so the next one should be done in 2021, «but given the current circumstances it will not wait for next year and it will be done before the end of 2020.