The most read IPS Ingavi: the torture of those who do not have political contacts more read of the day comments

IPS Ingavi hospital does not have waiting rooms for relatives of patients who accompany the patients.These must remain in the patio of the hospital, supporting all kinds of needs.

Family members must wait under the sun because they do not have spaces with shade, neither have bathrooms or access to drinking water.

Another claim is that institution's professionals do not provide daily reports on the situation of patients and many must wait up to three days to have information about their loved ones.

Read more: Rabia and repudiation emerge in the IPS for privileges to the pastor Abreu

“I have not been a report on my husband for three days.They are going to call us, at night we are going to give the report, but they never call us, ”said Águeda López.He also mentioned that per day he spends near G.55.000 by his patient, who has been hospitalized for 12 days."They do not allow us to be on a roof, they do not allow us to load the water and we also have to buy the medications," he said.

The report on his father's health status in intensive therapy also awaits three days ago, according to Rossana Colmán.As he said, the reports are only given by phone.

Lo más leído IPS Ingavi: el suplicio de los que no tienen contactos políticos Lo
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Likewise, they commented that many times even reports of death.

In the same way, they claimed that they being insured should afford the medications and other expenses of their patients, supporting the neglect of the pension that for other cases - of those who have political influence - act quickly.

The case of Pastor Abreu

The information about a high -cost operation to which Pastor Emilio Abreu will be submitted in the IPS, not being insured of the institution, generated outrage and massive claims of the contributors who must pass hardships to access medicines, attention or surgeries.

In addition, after the mediatization of the religious case, they refloated another endless similar situations of patients who have been waiting for responses by the Ministry of Health for years.