Turn off your bluetooth to the touch!: Leaving it on is re-peak

So you can see that we care about your safety and that of your phone.We agree that the use of Bluetooth is quite useful, a tool that allows you to transfer files from one device to another without having to depend on mobile data or a Wi-Fi network.

Even everyone prefers this method since Bluetooth is one of the safest in data transfers, and adding that you use a little cellular energy.

But as in everything, we have to be careful, since maintaining this quality of the burning phone can have enough risk.

If we have this activated all the time it means that we leave it in the background, and those that are drier in hacking issues can take advantage of this open window to steal our info.

¡Apaga tu Bluetooth al toque!: Dejarlo encendido es re-peligroso

It is more than proven that there are several interfaces that are sending information to others all the time.This play is known as the "Universal Unique Identifier", or for the Mateos as UUID (they are the acronym in English).

Thanks to this technique you can enter a so -called “Man in the Middle”, this is when a device is brought between the data that are sent between two others.And it is just at that point where a third can read and modify the information.Although you find it unlikely, this happens everywhere and at all times with total naturalness.

So if you are not occupying the Bluetooth, bring it better.