Why didn't you trust online translators?

The integration of economies, markets and societies to configure a global village leads to traffic and continuous exchange of information and knowledge in multiple languages.

Regarding this circumstance today, the massive use of online translators is natural to the pressing need to understand more than one language quickly and effectively.

But, although online translators such as Google Translate allow reading and interpreting content written in a foreign language are not reliable when it comes to extensive and complex texts.

A viable solution for people who need to translate information is to register in a course adapted to particular needs, where you can choose to deepen the user study scope.There are documents in which specialized or professional language is used that is not always translated correctly by making use only technological tools.

Keep reading so that you find out why you should not trust online translators.

Why should we not completely trust online translators?

Online translators can be useful when you want to understand a short text quickly, however the results of this version translated into a different language may present errors or inaccuracies that put at risk the quality or value of the final product.

Language is enriched with a broad baggage of technical words, synonyms and expressions that adapt to a wide variety of contexts, being things like this, a computer system has not yet been created capable of reproducing the level of understanding of the language that is beinghuman.No online translator has the complex reasoning structures that the brain uses for language processing.

Under this condition, online translations can be confusing and in many cases incomprehensible for native speakers who read them.Although they can be relevant at the time of having general information, they do not guarantee that these results reflect exactly what is really meaning in the text.

¿Por qué no deberías fiarte de los traductores online?

To stay at the forefront and overcome this inconsistency, people set the purpose of learning a language, but the lack of perseverance and dedication force to go to the online translator, a tool that will not always help you solve your problems.

If you need to deliver a report or document translated into a foreign language, the most recommended to correct errors is to consult with a Spanish -speaking friend, a native editor or a teacher who speaks Spanish as a mother tongue.

How do online translators work?

Online translators are computer programs equipped with a variety of languages, they were created with the purpose of automatically translating texts from one language to another.

The operation of the translators is no different from the rest of the computational programs, it operates through software that is responsible for translating a text written to any other language.

If we appeal to an example like Google Translate, a very popular translator with more than 200 million users and with approximately 103 languages, it is clear that it works with algorithms, there is no support technician attending the failures that occur during the translation.

Simply, the automatic translator will interpret the meanings according to the vocabulary available in the database, the context or the way in which it has been programmed.

As stated in the previous section, translators do not yield perfect, exact results, due to the large number of grammatical failures that they can have in the process.The idea is to access all types of general content with an approximate meaning in any language from anywhere in the world, without time loss since information is obtained instantaneously.

In the current market there are many online translators, some of them incorporate modern technology such as artificial intelligence to adapt words to the context and generate much more precise content.

Before using an online translator you should consider what is the real need for a translation, if it is an informal or basic text, do not hesitate to resort to them because they can be useful for a quick consultation, but it is a professional or formal text.It is better to do without this tool and go to an expert for a successful translation.

Common translators online errors

It is true that technology facilitates many processes and takes us out of trouble, but in terms of translation it still does not respond to the challenge of translating without equivocal.The most common errors of translators are related to the meaning of words, coherence, concordance and cohesion.

Online translators allow us to know the meaning of a word or the equivalent meaning of a phrase expressed in a different language, but they are not 100%trust if you need to translate, for example, a medical book, a contract, or a novel byterror.

Much less if you must submit an English report to get a position in a company, because the translator can formulate a very different text than you want to express.

One of the most common visible errors that may occur when translating with this tool is to change the titles of novels, films, medical or scientific magazines and phrases of specialized areas.

You also have to be careful with specialized language or technicalisms, localist and synonyms, online translators have problems interpreting a word according to the context, for example the English words 'equity', 'draft', have several meanings according to jargon orThe context in which they are mentioned.

Some translators interpret negative prayers as positive and vice versa, being an error that can bring unpleasant consequences, especially if they are expressed in the legal or legal field.