Write a phrase and this app will create a work of art using artificial intelligence

Artificial intelligence is growing by leaps and bounds, we have already been able to see how Boston Dynamics rootRobots there is artificial intelligence that allows you to create art from a phrase and it is thanks to Dream by Wombo.

This app available for mobiles and in browsers you can create a picture when you write a phrase and choose the type of art you want to give to your design, then we will show you how it works and the paintings so well created that you can do with Wombo.

Wombo ai, the app to sing photos

Create art through an AI

Escribe una frase y esta app creará una obra de arte usando la inteligencia artificial

Dream By Wombo As we have said before is an app that through artificial intelligence is able to create art from a phrase that we write and we will also have to choose a type of art to be able to achieve as incredible results as the ones you will see below.

To be able to create art from a phrase you will have to enter the Dream By Wombo website, and follow these simple steps to release the imagination of artificial intelligence.

  1. Accede a la web de Wombo

Web: Dream By Wombo

  1. Seguidamente escribe una frase que quieras en el cuadro de texto con un máximo de 100 caracteres.

  1. Seguidamente elige el tipo de arte que quieres que Wombo use para el cuadro, podrás elegir entre varias.

  1. Ahora tendrás que pulsar en "Create" y verás como sucede la magia.

  1. Una vez creado el cuadro podrás ponerle un título y descargar la imagen para poder compartirla en tus redes sociales.

  1. Descarga Dream by Wombo para Android

  1. Descarga Dream by Wombo para iOS

As you can see some of the results are somewhat abstract, but it is true that we are talking about that it is an artificial intelligence that creates a picture from a text, so we can see that complexity is absolute, but in which we getGreat results with Dream By Wombo.

How to become a work of art with AI Portraits, the Faceapp type website