Si Telephone Fraud: When accepting a call can be very expensive

El teléfono puede ser de gran ayuda para comunicarnos o conectarnos a Internet para cualquier cosa; pero también puede ser utilizado con un arma para estafar a personas. Ya es de conocimiento público que los delincuentes utilizan este aparato tecnológico para cometer sus fechorías.That is why people live in alert to the constant dangers that may arise.

However, a modality that a few years ago became fashionable has been news again. Se trata del fraude telefónico del ‘SÍ’, conocido en algunos países como ‘¿Quién habla?’.What is it about?

In mid -two017, the Federal Communications Commission of the United States warned consumers about a new scam that hooked people with a single word: yes.If the person received a call, and pronounced this word, it became a victim to enhance.

How is this telephone fraud?

It all starts with a phone call.An recorded voice or a real person asks: "Can you hear me?".The possible victim who is on the other side of the line responds: "Yes".That's all, the offender can use the word you said to start fraud.

Fraude telefónico del sí: cuando aceptar una llamada te puede salir muy caro

When the consumer says "yes", the scammer records his response and can use it as if the victim authorized unwanted positions for products and services.

“The person he calls later records the‘ yes ’answer of the consumer and, therefore, obtains a voice firm.The scammers can then use this firm to pretend to be the consumer and authorize fraudulent charges by phone, ”said the FCC.

According to reports, the people who call pass through representatives of companies that provide a service and may be familiar with the person who receives the call, such as a banking entity or a public services company, to establish a legitimate reason to try toReach the consumer.

What are the recommendations?

If you receive one of these calls, what is recommended is to hang immediately.On the other hand, if in the past the person already responded with a ‘yes’ to a similar call, it is recommended that he be attentive to all financial statements for any position that has not authorized.

Some tips not to be a victim of this scam:

1.Do not answer calls from unknown numbers.

two.If you respond and the person who calls (it is often a recording) asks you to press a button to stop receiving calls, just hang.

3.If you receive a fraudulent call, write the number and give it to the authorities.4.Block unregistered numbers calls.

Little more than two years later, the modality could not be controlled and it is feared that it can migrate to other countries.And Peru would not be the exception.In that sense, it is the duty of the citizen to always remain alert and to receive a call with an unknown number, it is better to take all the precautions of the case.